I had a relaxing weekend. I got to sleep in a lot and hang around doing not much. Considering the activity and drama I've had in life over the last couple of months, it felt like I needed it.
Eric took me to one of his favorite restaurants, Quaker Steak & Lube, and then we saw "Get Smart," which we were both pleasantly surprised by in that it was better than we'd thought. It was cute and charming and funny and they did a good job walking that line with Maxwell Smart in which he was naive, but not stupid, and in fact surprisingly competent. And Alan Arkin just rules.
ETA: Another thing about Get Smart. I was a bit nervous about a scene I saw in the trailer in which Maxwell dances with a rather large woman. I mean, it bugs me when fat people are ridiculed in the movies. But this ended up being the exact opposite. In fact, the big lady totally pwned on the dancefloor and stuck it to the skinny bitches. It was awesome.
Do I lose cred points if I admit that I kind of like The Rock? I know, he's Dwayne Johnson now and is concentrating on acting. I think he has something. He's snappy and charismatic onscreen and has good comic timing. I never watched any wrestling in my life, but as an actor I find him oddly appealing.
Anyway. I also watched "Cloverfield" on pay-per-view and I was surprised by how much I liked that, too. I thought it was creative and effective, and the nausea-cam didn't have much of an effect on a small screen.
Grilled again today. We had a bunch of meat in the fridge and thought we better cook it, and then we could eat it over the next week (or rather Eric could eat most of it). Mmmm, fire.
I spent most of the day watching HGTV. I love HGTV. But watching it always makes me want to buy a house.
I also spent about three hours cleaning out my iTunes. There was just tons of songs I'd never heard by artists I don't know and while they may very well be my next favorite song, I was ruthless. Cleared about 5M out, which is important since I'm still stuck with my old 20G iPod because SOME MOTHERFUCKER SCAMMED ME ON EBAY. Ahem. Happily the iPod is still working perfectly. I guess karma's paying me back for taking my $220.