It's not easy being purple.

May 17, 2008 12:31

Well, I had an unpleasant surprise when I got undressed last night.

I was wearing a brand-new black shirt. When I removed it...I was purple from the neck down. I looked like Grape Ape. My chest, my arms, my back, my stomach. Everything not covered by my bra, basically. The worst part was the undersides of my arms. The dye in my shirt had stained my skin.

Now, that's an argument for washing your clothes before you wear them, which I usually don't do, but even so, I'm thinking that one's shirt should not turn one into Grimace.

I spent an hour in the shower scrubbing myself with the grainiest exfoliant I had around (that'd be Bath & Body Works "I'm In the Mood for Scrub" body scrub) and I got most of it, but it did not come off easily. I still have some purple around my cuticles.


This morning when I came down to the Nerd Lair I had eleventymillion Facebooks emails! I now have 43 friends. Wow, that was fast.

I have a food-related recommendation, too. Last night I went to Whole Foods looking for some more varieties of Laughing Cow cheese (Kroger just had the creamy swiss) and I saw that Kashi is now making frozen dinners. I'm a big fan of the Kashi folks...their bars and whole-grain rolls are teh I picked one up. OMG so good. I had the chicken florentine for lunch. It was super delicious, and it didn't taste processed. It tasted like someone cooked it for me.

I will try some of the other ones v. soon.


daily life: annoyances, internet: facebook, interests: food & cooking

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