I've been looking so long for these pictures of you.

Sep 11, 2006 23:18

ZOMG. What have I gotten myself into?

So now that I've done pretty much all I can do in the basement until I get the shelves (waiting on the first part of my lump-sum raise in two weeks), I'm attacking...THE PHOTO BOX. Dun dun dunnnnn!

I want to change out my framed photos. Find some older ones from when I was a kid, cull the old, beat-up frames, get some new ones that go with the room better...you know the drill.

But my photos are in complete disarray. I have basically three categories: 1) Digital photos that I have taken since November 2004 when I bought my digital camera, 2) Photos that I took throughout high school, college and afterwards and 3) Big bunches of old photos that my parents gave me when they sold their house.

To my photos, at least, there USED to be some semblance of order. No longer. Everything's pretty much just tossed into a Rubbermaid. So I have a plan to get these things in order.

First I'll separate into some large mega-categories. I'm thinking there'll be Childhood, High School, College, and Post-College. Then start splitting each mega-category into smaller categories. THEN start purging. Let's face it...we don't need all the pictures we keep. I bet half of these photos are either duplicates, are pictures of nothing in particular, are of people whose names I can't even remember, or are pictures that I will never desire to look at ever again. Then I can start filing them in some kind of box-related system for easy access.

I have a question. For these old photos that I want to frame, I've been scanning them so I can play around with the (sometimes bad) color on Photoshop, then I can order prints from Snapfish so I don't have to use the original in the frame. Now, I'm scanning all of these photos on the same damned scanner and saving them on maximum resolution every damned time...why is it that Snapfish says some of them don't have good enough resolution even for a 4 x 6, but some of them are good enough for a 5 x 7? I don't get it.

Maybe someday when I have a computer with a sane amount of memory I can scan ALL of these pictures and I'll never have to organize boxes again.

interests: organization, interests: photography

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