May 30, 2006 00:45
"The Young Riders" season 1 is now out on DVD. I loved that show. I believe it will be added to the queue forthwith, possibly to be added to the permanent collection.
Although this is AWESOME, it cannot but help remind me yet again that there is...
Is that so much to ask for?
tv: nostalgia,
tv: dvd
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I thought there was a lot of good stuff there still to be mined after they got together. They had started doing some stuff with Lee trying to get to know her boys in an informal capacity, and they were always grappling with that "do we tell or don't we plus this sucks being married and having to live separately" stuff. I would have liked to see them deal with the aftermath of the inevitable big revelation of "Mom, boys, we're spies and by the way we're also married so hope that's okay."
It was a cheesy-ass show, to be sure, but it could be capable of surprising emotional depth at times. I remember one episode when Lee had been infected with some virus that would kill him in twenty-four hours and Amanda was shocked to find out that he'd listed her and the boys as his life insurance beneficiaries. It was before they were married, and I always thought that was a pretty touching moment of realism.
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