I have a confession to make. I have a crush on the Keno brothers.
You probably know them from "Antiques Roadshow," but now they have their own show on PBS, "Find!" Yeah, I DVR it. I never know when it's on, so I just set the DVR to tape it whenever it is. I've read their book, too. I've actually watched them enough to be able to tell them apart (Leigh is on the left in the above photo). Leslie is the one who works for Sotheby's, Leigh owns his own gallery. They rule. They're the rock stars of the antique world. When I went to the Roadshow when it came to Columbus, people were muttering all over the waiting line about whether they'd get to see the Kenos (they were there, but I didn't have any furniture, so I didn't get to talk to them).
They're cute. They're smart. They give each other shit constantly. And it's so adorable when they totally geek out with antique-fanboy glee over some Federal-style highboy or piece of Roseville pottery. I mean, these guys paid for their college educations with the collection of stoneware they spent their childhoods collecting. That is the geekiest thing I have ever heard, and it is awesome. On their show, they'll walk into some rich person's house full of collectibles and they can barely say hello and shake hands before they're both on their hands and knees, crawling around underneath stuff, checking for labels and signatures with their little flashlights and demanding stories about provenance and how much the owner paid for this or that.
I could listen to them talk about antiques all day. Ooooh, yes. Talk to me about veneers. Now talk to me about patina. Tell me about the secondary woods in this bureau. I'll just be over here swooning.