Apr 28, 2006 03:30
GIP. Heh.
So tonight I met The Fabulous Nancy at Borders for a coffee after work. I must say, all things being equal, I think that Borders switching all their cafes to Seattle's Best cafes was a good move. In all honesty I have to own that the drinks are much better. My old Borders just got switched over a few months ago, so they're still settling in, but the new cafe is sharp and clean and up-to-date and damn but they make good vanilla lattes. And yes, I know that Seattle's Best is owned by Starbucks. And...don't care. Green tea latte, yum.
ANYWAY. We were sitting there chatting when who should show up but The Lovely Roommate and Jim (still need an LJ name for him, dammit). I felt like I was in a Friends episode where everyone seems to show up at the same places at the same time.
I found a Victoria biography (the one by Hibbert). I started reading it while I waited for Nancy and I'm looking forward to continuing. Damn, but the familial relationships are convoluted among the royalty! Everyone is related. Victoria's father was the fourth son of George III (as in "The Madness Of") and he married Princess Victoire who was the sister of King Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, and their brother was the father of Prince Albert who Victoria later married and it's all so complex. And NOW it seems that every royal-type person in the known universe is somehow descended from Victoria and her nine kids.
Also picked up the latest Stephen King. Not that I don't have about a gozillion books waiting to be read ANYWAY.
And then I came home and watched the Mythbusters build a rocket fueled by salami. Yep, salami.
So to sum up...Books. Nancy. Latte. Salami rockets. God, I love my life.
interests: history,
books: buying,
tv: mythbusters,
personal: cbus friends,
books: authors