Jun 19, 2005 16:17
What is it with every single car company in the universe suddenly having an Employee Discount Sale? Did they all get together in one room and decide they were all going to do this at the exact same time? I can never remember any car companies doing this before, can you?
Rented some movies last night.
Birth This looked intriguing. It stars Nicole Kidman and is about a ten-year-old boy shows up on her doorstep claiming to be her dead husband. This film was very...intriguing. It felt French, for some reason. It had that atmosphere. One of the things I appreciated about it was that the director wasn't afraid to let long shots roll. There are a few extraordinary shots that are just long stares at someone's face. One in particular, when we spend three minutes just looking at Nicole Kidman's face as she's at the symphony, is really something. It takes enormous control as an actor to communicate what's going on behind the skin in such a concentrated, long shot and this was brilliant. The child actor, Cameron Bright (who was also in Godsend, which was pretty dumb) was amazing as well. The film had a few twists. I can't say that I liked it, particularly. Nicole's character is engaged to a new man, Joseph, and at the end of the film she's still ready to marry him despite having witnessed a rather shocking display of rage on his part that would have put me off the guy for good.
The Aviator Didn't get a chance to see this in the theater. It was excellent. Not much else to say, really. I'm about to listen to the commentary track. I loves me some Martin Scorsese. He's a great director and so enamored of films that he talks about them like a kid. It's also a measure of his street cred to look at the caliber of people he gets to be in his films in tiny little parts. Aviator was like that the whole way through. Look, there's Jude Law...in a two-minute role. Look, there's Willem Dafoe...in a single scene. Look, there's Ian Holm...in a bit part. And Brent Spiner was in it! Yeah, in one scene. But Brent! And he wasn't being goofy or hammy, it was a straight role!
movies: thumbs up,
movies: thumbs down