Awesome weekend, sucky Tuesday

Oct 02, 2012 14:26

Well, I had an awesome weekend! Today has sucked so far, but more about that in a minute.

Saturday was a Zoo Day. It was a beautiful day and I got to work the North America region on my own for the first time. I spent most of my time in the polar bear exhibit, which also includes our mammoth brown bear brothers, who are a big draw. People love those guys, they're really entertaining. Then I worked at the tiger cubs viewing line, then visited my gorilla friends before heading home to grab a bite and relax for an hour before Phase 2.

Which was my moonlight canoeing trip, which was great! It was a perfect night, weather-wise. I don't really like canoeing much (vastly prefer kayaking). It drives me nuts switching sides when in a kayak you just tilt your paddle one way or another, and the steering is crazy, but it was fun being out in the dark in the full moon. Plus I was sharing a kayak with my co-organizer Kim and we had a great talk. Campfire and the charming local bluegrass dudes afterwards confirmed an oddity about myself: I do not like s'mores. Yuck.

I got home around 11. I had hopes to rise VERY early and set off for a hike at Fort Hill State Memorial (a two hour drive)...I did manage to get up at 7:30. Got on the trail at 10:15. It was a good hike and reassuring to my insecurity about my fitness level. The hike included a 300 foot climb over half a mile. I paused once for a water break but mostly walked right up. Breathing hard, sure, but I think anybody would be.

Monday was a normal day but last night I started feeling sick. That sore, hollow throat feeling. Woke up and it was worse, plus I'd overslept. Got up and threw on some clothes, got my lunch together and made tea with honey instead of coffee. Three blocks from home I rear-ended somebody. We were stopped at the red light waiting to turn left (there's an arrow). The light turned green, everybody was going, I started to go, glanced down to pick up my tea, looked up to find the person in front of me wasn't going quite as quickly as I was and I hit her, not too hard. She was super nice about it and thankfully efficient; it was a company car, so she wasn't too personally affected. No damage to mine except the license plate got a bit bent.

Then my exit onto the highway I take to work was closed. Police cars everywhere. I had to go to the next exit and take surface streets, which meant phoning my boss and telling her I was running a bit late. Also today is the annual company picnic (which I never go to because I hate all things fun) which means everybody who works at home came in today which means I had to park super far away. Which is not a big deal all things considered, it just piled on.

Can I be done being a grownup today? All I want to do is go home and get under a quilt and marathon "Homeland" which I started watching last night.

daily life: health, daily life: annoyances, daily life: cars, interests: outdoor recreation, daily life: zoo docent

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