Holy crap it's been a month since I updated. I've been busy!
I know I sort of dropped the ball on my London-trip-by-the-day travelogue...I did the whole trip on The Facebook. You guys want to see some photos? I can keep doing those posts every so often.
June was crazy. I took my hiking club kayaking, and spent one weekend on an overnight trip with
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That is a daunting project, but as I'm in the midst of one myself, to get rid of all song duplicates and misspelled band names, etc (where say Doves and The Doves both exist) to have an entirely unified set of files across my three main storage units. Once I've got that I can see how many files I've got and decide about going to some cloud or other. At any rate, as it's tens of thousands of files, it's been very slow going and always daunting. But I just push myself to do a few files each day or a few folders each week and eventually it adds up.
So even though you know this, it'll get done, yeah? :-)
What is Alone on the Water? Is it HP?
I should really get around to the BBC Sherlock. Emma, Kaalee and a few others whose writing I like write fic in that world, too. Safe to assume that AitW won't make much sense if I've not seen the programme?
And yes, you ought to get ON THAT. Emma's writing great stuff, so is Mazarin 221b, and of course yours truly (also written two novel-length fics for it).
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