This morning I took my laptop in to the computer guy to have it cleaned out. It's at that point in a laptop's life where everything's just slow, it's probably full of gunk, startup is occasionally problematic, booting up takes forever...yeah. Looking forward to a nice clean, optimized system. I hope he doesn't need to wipe everything. I mean, that wouldn't be terrible, but I'd have to reinstall every program. Then again, that might be a good thing. I've installed a hundred little programs that I never use and half of which I don't remember the purpose of, maybe a clean slate. Then again I'd lose all my cookies, which would be annoying...have to reinstall iTunes and mu-torrent and Chrome and God knows what else.
So I want to show you guys my awesomest Christmas present.
My great-grandmother, Lorna, after whom I am named, died in 1989 but is still much loved by those of us who remember her. Things that belonged to her are cherished in the family. My aunt and grandmother recently found what was left of Lorna's good silverware. It was nowhere near a complete set, just a few pieces, so it didn't make much sense to keep it as flatware. My aunt somehow found someone who could take the silverware and make it into jewelry.
I received this bracelet, made from two pieces of Lorna's flatware. You can't quite see it but it has the monogram V (her last name was Venable) and I love the pattern, it's very arts-and-crafts. My mom got one, too, and my cousin Jackie got one made from the bladed of butter knives, so hers doesn't have the pattern but it's still very pretty. I love it.