Bad news and new phones

Aug 06, 2011 13:36

Update on the Bedbug Odyssey.

Last night I was visited by a nice young man, Lee, and his adorable beagle, Daisy, who is trained to smell bedbugs. Dogs are capable of detecting as little as a single bug or an egg with as much as 98% accuracy. I was nervous. Going on two months of this nightmare and I just want it to be over.

Sadly, it is not over. Daisy detected some presence in both bedrooms. The inspector and I both scoured the whole area with flashlights on hands and knees and saw nothing. I have still never had a bite, a blood spot or seen a single bug in my room or in the other room when I've looked, but the dog's nose doesn't lie. So, more treatments from the exterminator. I am SO GLAD that I did not reassemble my house after the second treatment because now I'd just have to deconstruct it all again. Anyway I'm getting used to living in Packed Up House. The only point of inconvenience, really, is the clothes and I'm learning to deal.

Good news is that the living room and basement are clear as are all the washed beddings and pillows from upstairs. It was a bit odd to watch Lee take Daisy through the house. Of course when she find the bugs it's bad news but Lee has to praise her and reward her, so he's all "Good girl! Good girl!" to her and "Sorry," to me.

My reaction to the findings?

I was pretty bummed about it last night, actually. Like, tears were a possibility. But I put on my big girl panties and drank a bunch of wine. Talked to Rachel, which always makes me feel better, and now I am ready to Deal With Shit. Today I have drunk way more coffee than is probably recommended by the Surgeon General but now I have to stop because out of half-and-half. A pilgrimage to Sam's Club was already on today's agenda.


I haz a new phone! Time for the two-year upgrade. I'd been putting it off because my old phone was doing fine, but no more than a month after I was eligible for a new one suddenly my old phone's touchscreen went CRAY CRAY and developed issues. Coincidence? Timed obsolence? You be the judge.

At any rate I am now the proud owner of a smacking new Droid X2. It is FANTASTIC. It doesn't have the slide-out keyboard of the previous Droid which is good for me because I never used it and it just got in the way. It's significantly larger and the screen is way more spacious, to the point that now my old phone seems miniscule. The haptic feedback is a big improvement and the touchpad typing is SO much better. The only thing I don't like about it is that the menu/home/back/search keys are physical keys, and not touchpad keys. It's a bit jarring.

I also just learned -- and this may be a hurr durr moment for me -- that it's possible to hook one's cell phone into a wireless network and get a) better reception and loading and b) not use up your data if you have limits on that (I don't). This is a great boon for me both at work (much better Pandora loading, plus Netflix streaming YAY - listening to TV shows while working is very nice) and at home.

Anyway. Saturday will be writing, some work, some non-work, and perhaps laundry.

daily life: annoyances, toys: cell phones

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