Dec 21, 2004 12:15
fuck everyone. i have my english term paper due tomorrow, my history term paper due tomorrow, and my xmas essay due tomorrow. i am fucking pissed off and only 3 people know what i am talking about. i am dead cause i have 2 D's, 4 C's, 1 B, and 1 A. so my life is over as far as school is concerned. my mom will most likley ground me till the end of 2nd quarter, but i do still enjoy late night calls and emails for like 5 hours;) for those of you who do talk to me and are not bitches, thanks for helping me fo rthe past month, you guys are great! fuck everyone else. i hate being color blind. i hate school, i hate band, and i hate papers. this is my first post in a while and i am still paranoid. so if you want me to post then dont fuckin mess with me. i have to go spend the week with my rich family and they are gonna be showing off their comps, and their cars, and their watches, and their grades, so please emails and calls are welcome over the break. and please you guys know once again who i dont like to post replies and you maty not have contrl over him but you do have control over yourself and your comp. SO DONT FUCKING LET THAT BASTARD POST!!! i will be on most of the time so let me know if you want to do somenthing. i will start to get on aim, email, and texting again. but not aim till xmas when i get my comp. wanna do somenthing just call me or text me...571-215-5923