YAY!! They are in and they are gorgeous! Except they still have the stickers on them and need painting. Oh, and nobody told us we would need door knobs!! So Monkeys called me while i was in FWB putting my car in the shop AGAIN and asked me to stop by Lowes and pick up some door knobs. So here are pictures from inside the house, outside the house, and of the doorknobs I bought :) Aren't they beautiful?!?!?!
It was totally unexpected. We only confirmed the order on Sunday. But they got a cancellation and called Monkeys at work today saying if we were avaiable they could install them today. Wow!! We were figuring two weeks. So despite their overlooking the knobs - which you'd think they'd push for their sales, in the style of "and would you like fries with that?" - Lowe's rocks.
and since i'm posting pictures, this is
me and my coworker
bigbit after giving blood