Neil Gaiman's Top Ten Book list

Jul 19, 2011 22:21

Neil Gaiman's Top Ten Book List

I'm excited he listed a Zelazny and a Chesterton book. I need to track down the G. K. Chesterton one he mentioned. :)

Jul 19, 2011
Neil Gaiman's top 10
Posted by: JuliaWBN
Tagged in: top 10s , July 2011

We've been asking authors for the 10 books they most love to read, give and share. We're creating an Author Top 10 page so you can browse them all, but in the meantime we'll be posting them here.
Today we bring you Neil Gaiman's choice. Gaiman is currently the most popular author on the list with the most votes across his books his 2001 bestseller American Gods is currently at number 4 with Good Omens, the book he co-wrote with Terry Pratchett at number 13.

The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe -- The best science fiction novel of the last century. A four volume book about memory and truth.
Lud in the Mist by Hope Mirrlees -- My favourite fairy tale/detective novel/history/fantasy.
Archer's Goon by Diana Wynne Jones -- She was the best writer of magical children's fiction of our generation. I don't know if this is the best of her novels, but it's my favourite.
London Labour and the London Poor -- Henry Mayhew Like a big mad Dickens novel that just keeps going. Real life interviews with the Victorian working poor.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke - it's going to be on the top 100 list, but I love it anyway. Like Jane Austen's huge lost fantasy novel abnout the return of magic to England.
Horns - Joe Hill - An immensely powerful writer. This, his second novel, is about a man who wakes up after a bad night with horns pushing out of his forehead.
253 Geoff Ryman There are 252 seats on a rush hour tube train. 253 if you include the driver. This is the story of all of them, 253-word portraits of connections and people.
Bleak House Charles Dickens - From the highest in the land to the lowest, the court of Chancery destroys lives. A wonderful read even if you don't like Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Lord of Light Roger Zelazny - on a distant planet, far in the future, Earth Colonists rule the world as the gods of the Hindu Pantheon. One of their number becomes Buddha to fight them. A mixture of religion and adventure and science fiction.
The Man Who Was Thursday G. K. Chesterton - a police agent infiltrates the high council of anarchists in this glorious nightmare romp.
Ten books -- all in print (which did for a few other books I'd chosen first).
Tomorrow's list of ten might be completely different.

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