Mar 16, 2011 20:09
Last year for Lent I added reading the Bible every day to my activities, and after Lent ended I kept up with the Bible readings. At first I didn’t mark what chapters I read, and as I wasn’t reading them strictly in order I decided to “start over” and mark them off as I read them. Anyway, that’s to say that I am not doing a study guide and not having a clear purpose in mind other than reading them - so I had been wondering for a year if I was going about this all wrong - how much was I remembering, how much was I learning without guidance or targeted reflection, etc.? Was I wasting my time, even? Wasting God's time? Today I had a sign that this was serving some good - in doing the Lenton “Five Minutes with the Word” book and looking up the readings for the day I had a feeling of going home when reading Jonah. I may not be able to biblically expound upon it with authority or recite it from memory, but I recognized the story and felt connected.
Also, it’s fun recognizing wording and phrasing in the songs we sing at mass.
So I know I still ought to take a class or read an actual Bible study, but until I do get organized what I am doing is still worthwhile. And that’s a relief!