Sad and a little gross - our campus is covered in dead dragonflies.

Oct 12, 2010 20:55

There is a preponderance of dead dragonflies in the breezeway between the Enrollment Services buildings. It’s quite disturbing. I tried to take a picture, but the area is pretty dirty from all the feet that trek through here daily, so it’s hard to see the gruesome details from my shots. Trust me, it’s really icky. One day my coworker and I counted 19 giant dragonflies flattened on the ground plus one stuck in a cobweb near the skylight. Isn’t that excessive? That’s a higher number even than the other day when Michael and I joked about forming a “Screw the Whales - Save the Dragonflies” conservation club. Now I’m wondering if something really could be done - I feel so bad for the creatures.

This guy took a nose dive. He reminds me of when ballerinas go up on their toes. :(

I wanted to do something for them, so I thought I would try writing a poem. I partially succeeded with writing one bad haiku plus two moderately okay haiku.

Dragonfly Graveyard
What drove them to our breezeway
I will never know.

Averting my feet
To avoid dragonfly shells
My walk is despoiled.

Dragonfly corpses
When caught in amber - lovely.
On concrete - macabre.

gross, work, dragonflies, poetry

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