Jan 06, 2010 17:58
At work the other day I was looking for someone's folder. I had his driver's license to help with the search because I tend to forget people's names the minute they say it. Anyway, I don't know how much time went by before I realized I was tapping the license on the desk while awaiting my turn at the files - tap tap tap tap *pause* tap tap tap tap *pause* tap tap tap tap...
I think I watch too much who.
Things finally settled down today! It was still busy, and the phones were still argh, but this is the first night I left remotely close to my time (I only stayed 30 minutes late today) AND it's the first day where I had some free moments during the day to actually talk to my coworkers about nonwork related topics. I even got to dance a little bit in Karyn's office. Karyn's my partner for goofiness.
doctor who,
i am an idiot,