Winter pics

Mar 12, 2011 17:31

Wow, just look at my procrastination skills.  I promised ages ago I'd upload my pics from the aftermath of the ice storm that hit and here we are at the start of spring (at least where I am) and I still haven't uploaded them.

Well, here they are!

This is a boring pic of an evergreen bush outside my house covered in ice.  Keep in mind that these pictures were taken after a lot of the ice had already melted because I wanted to wait until the sun was out to photograph anything.  So, a few days before these were taken everything was covered in even more ice than what you see.

These next pics are huge.  On to the woods!

For these last two, I had to venture out onto the ice at the pond to get these close-ups.  I'm stupid and reckless like that.
It's not like I could've frozen to death if I fell in.  There's a busy road right behind the pond and someone would've seen me. >.>

Unfortunately, this WOULD have been a really awesome batch of pics if I had just remembered to walk in the other direction of my neighborhood where one house has a sad cherub statue on their porch.  He would've looked so cool covered in ice. :(  Maybe I can get him the next time we have an ice storm.

Also, I'm going to try and go back to my church tomorrow to check out the new college sunday school class.  Why?  Because I'm not quite ready to cut off all ties with them yet and I already had a political argument over facebook this past week with two of the members.  I know it would probably be better for me to just remove them all from my facebook and forget they exist, but I'm a scaredy cat.  I don't want to clue them in on the fact I think they're bigoted jerks who could do with some education just yet.
(especially since they'd be all like "OMG, SATAN GOT KELSEY, LET'S PRAY THAT GOD RESCUES HER SOUL FROM HELL" if I did.  Ugh.)

EDIT: Well, nevermind that.  I forgot it was daylight saving time, so I forgot to reset my clock and I woke up an hour too late.  Thanks daylight savings time!

pics, church

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