OMG, no, not another new fandom!

Feb 05, 2011 00:24

This is kind of embarassing....Okay, you know Lauren Fuast? Yeah, the awesome animator who's the wife of the creator of The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and who did a lot of work on both of these awesome shows and won awards for it?

Well, she kinda also recently resurrected the My Little Pony TV show. I've heard a lot of people talk about how surprisingly good it, I was bored the other night and gave it a try (the first 13 episodes are on youtube in high quality).
I am OBSESSED now, guys! I always loved the My Little Pony toys, but the TV shows and movies never interested me...until now. And holy crap, is it good! The characters have actual personalities, the writing is great, there's a lot of really funny moments in every epsiode, and the animation is awesome! Also, Rainbow Dash KICKS. ASS.
STOP LAUGHING AT ME! I don't care that it's My Little Pony, I love it. And I'm going to hunt down the toys and collect them! 
Also, these are my HBIC Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack. 

 Yeah, I'm past the point of no return.  I'm a sucker for really good animated shows, and this one is ~awesome~. 
Oh, and I found Lauren Faust's Deviantart account here :

Okay, on to less embarassing things.  I took a 3 hour walk through the woods and to the duck pond yesterday (it was 20 degrees out.  what is wrong with me).  It was amazing, really.  The Ice Storm that came recently turned every flat surface in my neighborhood into an ice skating rink, and everything else got coated in a later of ice that made the trees and bushes look like they were made of glass.  I got some good photos, but I'll have to wait until next week to put them up since my dad's laptop doesn't have photoshop.  And today, I shoveled the driveway.  And by shovel the driveway I mean "break up the 1-inch thick sheet of ice on the driveway with a hammer and shovel, then toss the pieces into a pile".  Harder than it sounds, but it was also fun.  Except for the falling down part anyway.
No word yet on my laptop, but I'm going to try calling the repair man later.  I miss my computer, as annoying as it is. :(

lauren faust, winter, my little pony, ice storm, snow, laptop

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