Part 2 of My Laptop is an Asshole

Jan 19, 2011 19:40

I'm going to try to shorten a long story so that I don't go on a terrible rant and make myself look whiney and stupid.  This was me last night:

Me: *restarts computer* :I ....
Computer: HEY, BACK NOW
Me: Cool *enters password**hits enter*
Computer: *blue wheel of waiting*
Me: :3 *waits for desktop to come up*
Computer: *repeats process for well over an hour*
Me: Come on!  I even tried startup repair and safe mode!  What's wrong with you!?
Computer: Fuck off and leave me to die in peace!
Me: NEVER!  You still have a good chunk of files I have to backup and I'm not losing them!
Computer: Weeelll, you can't back them up if you ca't even get to your desktop!  MWAHAHAHA!

So, I took it to the IT department on campus and the guy there determined that I most likely need to have my RAM completely replaced and get the computer store/repair place/whatever to also lift the data off my harddrive so I can safely do a factory restore (for the second time in two months).
Right now I'm using the old clunky senior-citizen of a desktop computer that used to be the family computer.  It makes my laptop (when funtioning) look like the roadrunner.  I really, really need a new computer.  Unfortunately, as of now, this is my total Mac fund:

Mac Fund: $300 out of $1,000
That said, I have a question about summer jobs.  Can you still apply several months early (as in say, next month), tell them when you'll be off school and then go in to work if you're hired in May?  Some people have told me no, and others have said you can.  I need to know because obviously, I'm going to need a summer job and I need to know when to start applying.  I'm determined to actually get a job this time so the earlier, the better.

Also, one final note: Until I get my computer fixed/get a new computer (whichever comes first), I will NOT have AIM or YIM, so chatting with me outside of twitter/facebook will not be a possibility.


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