Dec 16, 2010 20:04

YAY! MY COMPUTER IS WORKING AGAIN! And even better, my dad never even had to find out it was infected, so I don't have to get shouted at! I still have to put photoshop and the rest of my adobe software on it, but I already have firefox, yahoo messenger, and itunes added on (though I do need to load all my music backups). Reformatting the hard drive also seemed to fix my earlier problem of the lightbulb in the screen being too bright, because suddenly there's contrast again (which for whatever reason you can't adjust manually on a laptop).
Also, I pulled together all my birthday money from this year and what I made from driveway shoveling today. My Macbook fund now stands as:
$100 out of $500-$1000

Hopefully I'll be able to get one of the cheaper ones off craigslist for a good price. I've seen brand new macbook pros on there for as little as 500 or 700 (which, even though it's a lot of money period, is not bad for a mac at all). I don't plan on getting any help from my parents to pay for this either, since I want it to be completely mine. That way if there's some major drama with my dad, he can't take it away like he's done before (and I do expect a lot of drama at some's kind of bound to happen, and I wish I could also buy a car independently for the same reason.)

Non computer related stuff:
I AM DONE WITH THE SEMSESTER! And I should find out if my grades were good enough to get me into the art school some time next week. I am so excited!
And speaking of next week, how is it already almost Christmas!? I am not ready, I still have stuff to mail and now it's probably not going to get there on time unless I fork out some extra cash for extra speedy shipping. But whatever, as long as it gets there I guess.

And apparently there's a POTC trailer out.  HURRAY!  I'm still kind of scared to get excited, because what if it disappoints me?  But I can't help it watching the trailer.  It's POTC with zombies and mermaids!  (but seriously, what did they do to Barbossa's outfit?  CHANGE IT BACK IMMEDIATELY!)

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ericadawn16 !  :)

life, laptop

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