Update of recent events (may contain spoilers)

Jul 23, 2010 14:40

Thursday Aarin and mom arrived, we had tacos, chit chatted, and went to bed.

Friday we went and bought party food and other stuff party related. I was very tired physically and emotionally. This is the day my throat began to hurt.

Saturday I had my 30th birthday party. I thought it went rather well. There was food, a very pink cake, laughter, friends, family, and fun. I had a Piratical themed party and received money and gifts alike. There was little drama. I went to bed thoroughly tired. Throat still hurting.

Sunday, Aarin and Mom eloped to the Crab Shack while Sooper and I went to the Baltimore Aquarium. It was hot, too many people, and tiring just getting into the aquarium. I ended up getting sick but I enjoyed watching the dolphins, seeing jellyfish not up close as is per usual at the beach sometimes, and other exotic animals. After we visited the gift shop and had a few rest stops I decided we should have barbecue and head towards home and away from the crowds and heat. So we went to Famous Daves for dinner and then saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

It was good. I wish they had used Alice Krige more. I really like her in things but I felt like they really underused her in this movie. She has maybe 15 mins of screen time and about 10 are CG. I really dig Nicholas Cage with long hair and glasses. I also can't put my finger on it but the main boy actor sounds like someone else. I am wracking my brain to figure it out and still can't. I want to say it's the guy who did the voice for Wart in The Sword in the Stone, but that just isn't it.

Anyway 3/4 of the way through the movie stopped. They fixed what was wrong and gave us free tickets for the next film we see and they don't seem to have any expiration so I want to save them for Harry Potter in November. Throat still hurting.

Monday we had planned to go to Mount Vernon but Sooper accidentally on purpose let us sleep in. It was too hot to be gallivanting around in the outdoors anyway. So I went to torrid and found a pair of jeans finally, after like 4 months of searching. If I didn't have birthday money I may not even have those. So then we headed back towards home and went to Borders so I could look and see if there were any books I wanted to read. I was going with the purpose of getting books on Merlin and Morgan/Morganna. I found none. But I did find a lovely number called My Booky Wook by Russell Brand. Its rather funny and rather tragic. Sooper also got a book that I will most likely read ahead of him as I have a hunger for books and devour them whenever possible. We then came home and relaxed for a bit before bed. Throat still hurting.

Tuesday I didn't really do anything. Throat still hurting.

Wednesday I had my bone treatment and had them look at my throat. Nothing looked infected, just red.I have a virus and it has to run it's course. Great, lovely, just what I wanted to hear.

Yesterday I wanted to go to the bank but was too tired. I haven't slept well since Thursday night. I'm living on tea, throat drops, tylenol, and decongestants. This diet caught up with me yesterday and I threw up blood. Just a little, but still. Also we have Jack. Jack is a jack russell terrier and effectively a nephew. He will be staying with us until late Sunday/ sometime Monday.

Today. Jack isn't really eating well to begin with and Tequila is trying to eat his food and being generally mischievous. Luckily they are old and prone to napping so I have a floor full of dog napping currently. The doorbell was rung earlier and my attack/guard dog forces were in full effect barking like the world was coming through the door. I am planning on going out to dinner with my hubby tonight and having him do some dishes. My throat is still hurting.

Tomorrow we dance, er I mean game.
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