So many things in my brain. Bullets points will have to be employed and a cut.
- Wednesday I accidentally went for chemo when it was my week off. I felt really dumb for not looking at my appointment card.
- Sat we saw Iron Man 2. I think this is the first movie in a long time that I felt throughout my entire body. We had good seats so sight and sound were as life like as possible. The theater wasn't all that full but I could see that the showing after ours was probably going to fill up fast by the looks of how many people were waiting to get in as we were leaving. Having no frame of reference for the movie vs the comic i thought it was good. I don't know anything about Captain America, Red Skull, Thor, or the Avengers either so I will enjoy them blissfully unaware of any fandom that may be stepped on.
After the movie we came home fed the dog and went to a friends house for mexican food and birthday partying. I had a great conversation with one of Soopers friends about cancer and magic realism. I felt like my college education was worth something after Sat. I hadn't felt like it had done anything for me until then. Sad to say that after 8 years out of college I finally used something for an offhand conversation that started with talking about Guillermo de Toro. Sooper was impressed and ended up drinking a little, not to excess or anything but I ended up driving us home for paranoia reasons. Also my eyes and I were having a fight and they were watering all day
- Sunday I spent most of the day recreating my play lists, resting, watching mythbusters and Law and Order SVU episodes and eating tasty pulled pork that Sooper made for us for dinner
- Tonight I plan to put it all the music back and then some on to the ipod if it cooperates which it darn well better. I woke having a strange conversation with myself this morning it went something like this:
Me: I like The Cure
my brain: The cure for what?
Me: everything
my brain: you can't have a cure for everything because people wouldn't die if there was no sickness
Me: yes they would. you'd still have stabbings and heart attacks and shootings people could die from
my brain: so you mean like diseases and stuff as everything
Me: yeah i guess.
my brain: what about cancer
Me: well no one is sure what really causes cancer and i don't think you can cure something that isn't a universally known concept. It isn't like a venereal disease or a cold where we know what causes them so they eventually could be treated in theory
my brain: wouldn't the US economy collapse if all the world's diseases were cured
me: well it depends on the diseases and the other countries involved. It also depends on what we call a disease. do we include bacterial infections, viruses, syndromes, and things like heart disease, where do we draw the line?
My brain: well just anything with disease in it's title. So what about hospitals and drug companies and legislation for all of this?
Me: I don't have all the answers to these questions and i need more sleep.
- I haven't been watching much tv lately except at night on weekdays and on the weekend. I have been engrossed in the last week with reading a very addictive book in a series I follow. I am 2/3 through it and may beat my mom in finishing it as she started it in January and I am almost past her place in it. It may be the first time I finish one before her.
- The dog has spring fever or something undiagnosed going on. He just whines and wants to be outside but all he does is just walk around and eat grass and get on my nerves. He has water and naps some but it's nerve wracking. He's not having puppies any time ever but i guess he just wants to girl watch or something.
- My head was shaved yesterday. It wasn't buzzed but it is shorter than it has ever been since birth. It looks a little fuller but it is most definitely thin and I am not sure how much thinner it will get. I am most definitely my fathers daughter as I looked in the mirror and saw my dad looking back from the mirror. If I had a beard I would look exactly like him. Sooper also did his summer face relief shaving. He looks much younger and more like his mom when his face is shaved. It grows back kinda fast but will still take a few weeks to get back to where it usually is. Foreign husband is foreign for now.
- Vacations/Celebrations/Fun. I can't spend so much time in the sun but I plan on having a good summer and swimming somewhere a few times this summer which reminds me I neeed to look for my bathing suit. We have no plans for Memorial Day so far and may just end up going to the waterpark in manassas or a pool or something low key. My mother-in-law if I am off of chemo the first week in June, wants me to come to FL for a week for a visit with my nieces and nephew in tow. I am contemplating this but as it just came up this morning I haven't made a decision yet. July 4th we have no plans yet. Then I will have my 30th Birthday bash in mid July and if my mom can get funds together we may go to Nags Head in August or Mid September. Labor Day weekend we will be in PA at Horrorfind.
That is all my brain dribble for now. I hope you weren't too bored or sick from all the leaping about of topics. Until the next time.