Yesterday the hubby and I got a lot done. We went out to brunch at silver diner and ran a few errands then we did many loads of dishes, restrung my wind chimes, cleaned of the kitchen and dining room table, cleaned off the grill, took lots of trash out, and also put an aerator on the faucet.
I danced in my chair and it felt good. I also made barbecue chicken salad and Sooper made bacon sprouts and rice for dinner. Emily stopped by with a computer issue and we couldn't fix it so we had a game bitching session and she went home.
I had horrible nightmares last night and didn't sleep too well. Had breakfast with my hubby and looked for my nos teeth. We didn't find them but I am paranoid we won't before Friday. Now what to wear.... Today I am home alone, Sooper is at his monthly tabletop. I will most likely do some paintings as I have new paints and maybe do some weeding if I am up to it. I may even eat some buffalo. That is all for now. Chemo wednesday and a three day weekend for my hubby wherein we have a minication in MD otherwise known as "Blood Bath Weekend 2010"
If you are a friend who isn't already going and wants to come to a GameCon/OWBN Event (they have premade characters if you want to just slip into one)go to this website.