Apr 25, 2006 22:16
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
This one's for JBO...
1. I have an INSANE fear of all, and i mean ALL animals. EXCEPT, oddly enough, Horses! Probably because I used to ride them when i was a child. but other than horses, birds, dogs, cats, insects, you name it, i'm afraid of it!
2. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a chef VERY badly. I even opened up my own restaurant in my kitchen and made my family order peanut butter and jelly from a menu. Now I can't cook for shit...nope, not even pasta! (not properly anyway...)
3. I have this weird thing on my knees, that I should probably have checked out. They're like VERY VERY itchy bumps that only come out when it's severely severely cold to the point that i'm numb. So i always have to lift up my pant legs and scratch the crap out of my knees when it's freezing, and let's face it, we're in CHICAGO!
4. I have never (knock on wood, mashallah, and all that stuff) broken a bone in my body. Which is weird because I'm VERY VERY clumsy. In fact, I hurt others around me (physically) more than I hurt myself when doing various activities (need I remind you all of me making Dan Villaume's nose bleed during musical auditions?)
5. I have never been on a real train in my entire life. I've been on the L sure, but never on the metra or anything like that. I find that pretty weird considering I live in the CITY!
6. When I grow older, I don't want to have kids of my own, I want to adopt them. I'm scared out of my mind of being pregnant and going through that whole ordeal. I wonder if there's a title for this kind of phobia?
I tag...Cait H, Jess, Vanessa, Oliver, Laura Dixon, Allegra