a new beginning

Apr 01, 2011 20:41

It's well into the evening on April Fool's and I'm at Starbucks in downtown St. Charles. I'm home because of my dad. He and my mom were supposed to be in Atlanta visiting me this week, but he's had some heart issues in the past week and I decided to come home instead. So, here I am.

I've had a chance to see @MidnightBex twice and I hope to see her another time before I go. I'm in Starbucks checking in on what I've missed this past week (boy what a week to miss) and loading CDs onto my computer. I plan on doing my best to get my parents to get a new computer, specifically a laptop as well as a better internet connection. Jess and I made some executive decisions on Tuesday night and I thought I would list them here to help us remember to get them done.

Our pledge:
- We both want to stick to our diet/exercise program (we're both on Weight Watchers and I know that I have to do better at recording what I eat, because as of right now, I don't record anything).
- We are both going to try and write in our LJs more often. I think we decided to say twice, but I'm upping it to three times a week. Maybe it will help me figure out where and what I'm doing with my life. If not, at least it will be a way for me to look back in ten years and know what I was thinking.
- We are also going to stop spending money (at least, they way that we're both used to). I know that I have to cut down, mainly because I need to pay off my credit cards and get to saving money. I'd like to (someday) be able to afford a house and any crazy things that come up.

I think that was about it, but there might be more. I'm back to using my ta-da lists and I hope that will help keep me organized. It would be super amazing if I could sync that with my android, but I doubt it. That said, it's time for the real post.

It's been lovely being home and just escaping work. Every once in a while I catch myself looking at my blackberry, but it's nice not to have to. Von said I shouldn't, so I didn't. Now I wonder what I missed, how long it's going to take me to catch up and if I really missed something big. I would hate that. And I would feel bad for the people that have to pick up my slack. And I know there is a lot of that.

I kind of want to come back on Monday and begin with a blank slate - be able to hit the ground running. But there is a ton to do - Animal Planet, the EIS confernece (advisory and thanks that the filmmaker isn't coming), World Health Day, Vital Signs, and all the miscellaneous stuff that I'm missing. I often think that I have too much to do, but I don't want to give anything up. And I'm not sure where that comes from. I don't know where a lot of my intricacies come from.

Isn't that strange? Shouldn't I know why I do things? I know that I'm a control freak in somethings, but in some other things, I'm not. And why do I need to control things if I don't have any ambition? Any will power?

I set up my twitter account the other day and I think it's going to be (because of the name) abotu the words to say - what to say in this situation, what others say, etc. Jess and I are also going to start a long-distance book club. The first book is Swordspoint. I don't know anything about it, but her friends have recommended it and I'll give it a whirl.

I guess another one of my goals is to work on getting better at cooking for myself and stop eating out so much. Because my oven and stove tend to cause the fire alarm to go off, I just don't cook. That and I just don't. I don't know if I can't get motivated or what. But I just don't and I need to. I have a feeling that cooking for myself woudl equate to feeling better and weighing less.

So, I don't know how this passes as a first post in a while, but I'll take it. I'm going to review a couple of my last ones and try to realize how lucky I am.
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