There's nothing else I can say.

Jul 02, 2009 22:59

Conversation with Alexis under the cut.

mylittledecoy116: Are you on the laptop or the desktop?
pointegirl71894: desktop
pointegirl71894: but im on owner so we should be ok
mylittledecoy116: Oh cool.
mylittledecoy116: I have good news!
pointegirl71894: what?
pointegirl71894: someone will take us to see the rebound?
pointegirl71894: what is the good newsd?
pointegirl71894: news*?
mylittledecoy116: Well my sister said she will take me! I didn't ask about you@
pointegirl71894: oh
mylittledecoy116: How did you know?
pointegirl71894: it was just a guess
mylittledecoy116: Oh. Well the thing is, I'm upset.
pointegirl71894: what now?
mylittledecoy116: After Harry Potter, there are no good movies coming out the whole rest of the year, except for New York, I Love You, which I can't see.
pointegirl71894: why?
pointegirl71894: and dont say because it probaly wont be in pittsburgh
mylittledecoy116: Why can't I say that? That is the reason! It won't play in theaters near us!
pointegirl71894: are you SURE?
pointegirl71894: answer: no , you're not sure
pointegirl71894: ok what was that all about>?
mylittledecoy116: Sorry I had to throw my plate away.
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: well you werent saying anything
mylittledecoy116: I konw, I was upstairs, throwing my plate away.
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: it took a really long time
mylittledecoy116: I stopped upstairs to talk to Taylor.
mylittledecoy116: So, no, I'm not 100% sure that New York, I Love You won't play near us, but I expect it not to.
pointegirl71894: *scoff*
mylittledecoy116: But I hope it does! It looks so good! I love movies that look good!
pointegirl71894: yo tambien
mylittledecoy116: Does that mean me too?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: Cool! I totally just saw a comment you posted on ontd_lost!
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: the comment
mylittledecoy116: What?>
pointegirl71894: 1 only posted one comment
mylittledecoy116: Oh, cool!
mylittledecoy116: You should post more!
pointegirl71894: im posting my dream noe
pointegirl71894: now*
mylittledecoy116: I replied to your comment! Yay!
pointegirl71894: neato
pointegirl71894: what did you say?
mylittledecoy116: I don't remember! Hi, I think. Say something back!
pointegirl71894: wow
pointegirl71894: \nhow you look like an idiot
mylittledecoy116: What?
pointegirl71894: for replying to my comment with "hi"
pointegirl71894: so no, i shant reply
pointegirl71894: no
pointegirl71894: hey of topic
pointegirl71894: will you do me a favor?
pointegirl71894: look on paramoremusic to see who asked about hayley's shampoo
mylittledecoy116: If I do the favor, will you reply to my comment?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: YAY! HERE I GO TO LOOK!
pointegirl71894: but i need the username first
pointegirl71894: please?
mylittledecoy116: Well do you have any idea when it was asked?
pointegirl71894: a few days ago
pointegirl71894: like yester day i think actually
mylittledecoy116: Oh, I found it. It was racheltastism
pointegirl71894: yaay!
pointegirl71894: thank you
pointegirl71894: i will reply to your comment in a few minutes
pointegirl71894: it was the girll who said she was sying her hair red right?
mylittledecoy116: Yep!
pointegirl71894: yay
mylittledecoy116: Hey, do you remember when you were like let's watch all the worst movies ever?
pointegirl71894: yes?
mylittledecoy116: I found one!
pointegirl71894: what movie
mylittledecoy116: It's called Gigli and it's won like 6 Razzies. Haha.
pointegirl71894: coolness
mylittledecoy116: Guess who's in it?
pointegirl71894: who?
pointegirl71894: please dont say justin bartha
mylittledecoy116: Okay, I won't say it.
pointegirl71894: WHAT??!!
pointegirl71894: NOOO!!!
pointegirl71894: SAY IT AIN'T SOO!!!!
pointegirl71894: ITS SO ISN'T IT?
mylittledecoy116: It is so.
mylittledecoy116: How did you know?
pointegirl71894: FOR REAL
mylittledecoy116: Wait, how did you know? And why are you so upset?
pointegirl71894: because its JUSTIN FRICKING BARTHA!!!!
pointegirl71894: and it was just a guess
mylittledecoy116: Oh, you are a good guesser.
pointegirl71894: but its JUSTIN FRICKING BARTHA
mylittledecoy116: Yeah, I know that. But why is that so bad?
pointegirl71894: what part of
pointegirl71894: justin
pointegirl71894: FRICKING
pointegirl71894: bartha
pointegirl71894: are you not getting?
mylittledecoy116: I know who it is. I'm just asking why you're upset.
pointegirl71894: obviously you don't know who it is or else you would understand why i'm so upset
mylittledecoy116: I know who it is! I promise! But what is there to be upset about?
pointegirl71894: because JUSTIN BARTHA is in a BAD MOVIE
pointegirl71894: why are you not understanding this?
pointegirl71894: what is there to not understand?
mylittledecoy116: So? Lots of people are in bad movies! He plays a mentally retarded guy.
pointegirl71894: i need to see this movie and judge for myself
pointegirl71894: this is important
pointegirl71894: where can i rent it?
mylittledecoy116: I don't know, where do you usually go?
pointegirl71894: family video
mylittledecoy116: Well check there, I don't know. You might have to netflix it.
pointegirl71894: i dont have netflix
pointegirl71894: you might have to netflix it
mylittledecoy116: Or just not watch it, you know, considering it's supposedly terrible.
pointegirl71894: but JUSTIN BARTHA!
mylittledecoy116: Well, I mean, it's not like you're going to see eveything he's in.
pointegirl71894: but i want to TRY
pointegirl71894: i relpied to your comment
pointegirl71894: and my dream was sent for approval
mylittledecoy116: Yay!
pointegirl71894: how long till i see if it's posted?
mylittledecoy116: It depends on whether or not a lot of mods are online.
mylittledecoy116: You'll never be able to see Jusqu'à toi either.
pointegirl71894: the french one?
pointegirl71894: i mean, thats ok
pointegirl71894: but all ones in english
mylittledecoy116: No, that's not the french one.
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: but why would you think i cant see it then?
pointegirl71894: for real?
mylittledecoy116: I was being sarcastic, because obviously it is French. The title is in French.
pointegirl71894: ooh
mylittledecoy116: Okay, I replied back to your comment.
pointegirl71894: well, yeah
pointegirl71894: but all the english ones i can see
mylittledecoy116: Ever seen Teachers?
pointegirl71894: no
pointegirl71894: but i havent gotten around to it
pointegirl71894: i was busy with dance, then secret life
mylittledecoy116: Oh. I mean, you don't have to watch it.
pointegirl71894: um, but i want to
pointegirl71894: so wilst thou sendith me a link?
mylittledecoy116: Yeah, sure.
pointegirl71894: brb
mylittledecoy116: Ok.
mylittledecoy116: You should click on this link. It will bring you a show called Teachers.
pointegirl71894: yay
pointegirl71894: gracias
pointegirl71894: how long are the episodes?
mylittledecoy116: 22 minutes
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: are they in 3 parts?
mylittledecoy116: Yep!
pointegirl71894: neato
mylittledecoy116: OMWS the deluxe edition of UAM has the alien videos on it! The little cartoons!
pointegirl71894: NO
pointegirl71894: DO WANT!
mylittledecoy116: Isn't that cool?
pointegirl71894: yes
pointegirl71894: DO WANT
mylittledecoy116: You should reply to my comment on ontd_lost
mylittledecoy116: Go on!
pointegirl71894: dmic
mylittledecoy116: Well will you reply to my comment?
mylittledecoy116: And why do you need headphones?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: Why do you need them?
pointegirl71894: to watch teachers
mylittledecoy116: I know, but why can't you just use speakers.
pointegirl71894: cuz
pointegirl71894: i dont want people to hear it
mylittledecoy116: Oh.
pointegirl71894: omg ur right about the british girl
pointegirl71894: what is wrong with her?
mylittledecoy116: What did I say about her?
pointegirl71894: she thinks shes in the british version
mylittledecoy116: Oh, lol.
mylittledecoy116: Did you reply yet?
pointegirl71894: no but this show is way funny
mylittledecoy116: Oh, you like it?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: Cool!
pointegirl71894: i replied
mylittledecoy116: Yay!
mylittledecoy116: Okay, I replied back.
pointegirl71894: ok ill reply ater
pointegirl71894: im watching tv
mylittledecoy116: What's on?
pointegirl71894: teachers
mylittledecoy116: Oh, I thought you meant TV
pointegirl71894: i did mean tv
pointegirl71894: teachers is a tv show right?
pointegirl71894: hey that kid from holes is in it!
mylittledecoy116: But I thought you were watching it on TV
pointegirl71894: that kid from holes is in it!
mylittledecoy116: Oh yeah, Zero.
pointegirl71894: yeah!
pointegirl71894: k ill reply when i finish this part
mylittledecoy116: Yay!
pointegirl71894: i love this show
mylittledecoy116: Really?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: I'm shocked
pointegirl71894: why?
pointegirl71894: its super funny?
mylittledecoy116: Oh.
mylittledecoy116: Ooh, did you reply yet?
pointegirl71894: oops i forgot
pointegirl71894: i wanted to see the girl finish her sentance then i got caught up
pointegirl71894: ill reply right now
mylittledecoy116: Ok.
mylittledecoy116: You there?
pointegirl71894: yes
mylittledecoy116: Oh, well did you reply?
pointegirl71894: no
mylittledecoy116: Why not?
pointegirl71894: it was loading slowly
pointegirl71894: i replied
mylittledecoy116: YAY!
mylittledecoy116: Have you finished the first episode yet?
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: no
mylittledecoy116: I replied back.
pointegirl71894: cuz you keep ralking
pointegirl71894: and i would feel rude not answering
mylittledecoy116: Oh, well you don't have to reply right away to my comment.
mylittledecoy116: Well, I'd better go. Enjoy the show
mylittledecoy116: Bye.
pointegirl71894: ok night

justin bartha, aim, alexis, conversation

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