Conversation with Alexis under the cut.
mylittledecoy116: HI!
pointegirl71894: hi
mylittledecoy116: please take this out of your info: *sigh*
what is wrong with me?
pointegirl71894: ?
pointegirl71894: my info says 'ftsk was the most amazing thing ever"
mylittledecoy116: you sneaky fixed it
pointegirl71894: ?
pointegirl71894: ??
pointegirl71894: ???
mylittledecoy116: okay, so let's talk about ftsk first then
pointegirl71894: let us
mylittledecoy116: what was your favorite part?
pointegirl71894: its hard to pick a fav
pointegirl71894: it was all soo amazing
pointegirl71894: i liked the beginning
pointegirl71894: with the shoot out
pointegirl71894: that was cute
pointegirl71894: i also loved that they go an encore
pointegirl71894: and that it was shea a lady
pointegirl71894: !!
pointegirl71894: so that was also cool
pointegirl71894: and i just loved the whold feeling
pointegirl71894: and moshing
pointegirl71894: that was fun
mylittledecoy116: moshing = the worst idea anyone ever had
pointegirl71894: and shouting "CALEB!! BLUE APPLES!"
pointegirl71894: huh??
pointegirl71894: moshing is great
pointegirl71894: you ar esuch a party pooper
pointegirl71894: like for real
pointegirl71894: you didnt dance or song or anything
mylittledecoy116: wait, i don't get the clue apples part?
pointegirl71894: oh, i guess i was up front when i got the text
pointegirl71894: you know how calebs beet tweeting "first person to come up to me and say ______ wins skad goodies?
pointegirl71894: well, the pittsburgh codeword was blus apples
pointegirl71894: so i was trying to see if he would hear me
pointegirl71894: which i didnt think he would
pointegirl71894: but it was worth a shot
pointegirl71894: u know?
mylittledecoy116: beet tweeting, ha
pointegirl71894: whatever
pointegirl71894: but really
pointegirl71894: whats wrong with moshing?
pointegirl71894: and why are you such a party pooper?
pointegirl71894: these are important questions that must be answered
mylittledecoy116: i did not not feel like singing is all. don't worry, i got very into it at warped and cobra. also, moshing is stupid because people can get hurt. plus, the reason you go to concerts is to hear awesome music, not to run in a circle, punch people and crowd surf so that people can drop you and you break bones.
pointegirl71894 signed off at 9:08:08 PM.
pointegirl71894 signed on at 9:09:02 PM.
pointegirl71894: so wilst thou answerith my questions?
mylittledecoy116: i did. your computer needs to go kill itself
mylittledecoy116: i did not not feel like singing is all. don't worry, i got very into it at warped and cobra. also, moshing is stupid because people can get hurt. plus, the reason you go to concerts is to hear awesome music, not to run in a circle, punch people and crowd surf so that people can drop you and you break bones.
pointegirl71894: um, also, you should have fun
pointegirl71894: which includes moshing
pointegirl71894: which isnt always dangerous
mylittledecoy116: moshing is not fun at all
mylittledecoy116: it is so stupid
pointegirl71894: just make sure nobody pick you up to go crowd surfing
pointegirl71894: moshing is jumpy dancing kinda
mylittledecoy116: i really liked the white tie affair
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: i didnt
mylittledecoy116: why? are you thinking of the wrong band?
mylittledecoy116: omg here is the cutest picture ever'
pointegirl71894: no
pointegirl71894: i didnt like wta
mylittledecoy116: why not?
pointegirl71894: because, first of all, their music was okay, but its not like ftsk/paramore which rocks my socks and flips my flops
pointegirl71894: and like, the people in the band didnt seem very nice
pointegirl71894: i acually kinda like kelsey and the chaos
mylittledecoy116: yes they did. they seemed nice.
pointegirl71894: they were fun
pointegirl71894: kelsey and the chaos
mylittledecoy116: also,wta's music was like nsync on five hour energy. but better.
pointegirl71894: eh, i didnt like it that much
pointegirl71894: le gusta kelsey and the chaos?
mylittledecoy116: we only heard like one of their songs. i didn't think they were that good, but they were better than tina parol. and kelsey's (is that her name?) dress was cute.
pointegirl71894: tins what her name wasnt that great
pointegirl71894: marcey mercedes was kinda ok
pointegirl71894: not great, but i cold stand it
mylittledecoy116: i already knew the one song by mercy mercedes and really liked it. the perfect scene, the one they dedicated to ftsk
pointegirl71894: yeah, that was pretty good
pointegirl71894: like, they werent amazing or anything but they were okay
pointegirl71894: a looking good ok
mylittledecoy116: i'm really surprised you didn't like wta. that kind of crushes all my hopes and dreams.
mylittledecoy116: you should probably listen to the album before you give up hope, because it is very fun music.
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: i mean, ill give them another chance, cuz hearing someone at a concert can give you a bad idea cuz i couldnt understand that well
mylittledecoy116: yeah, the sound was wacky on all the sets
mylittledecoy116: so, would you like to go to the friday night boys / hey monday on june 30th? please?
pointegirl71894: idk ill have to see
pointegirl71894: id love to
pointegirl71894: but idk thats far ahead
pointegirl71894: no se friday night boys, pero le gusta hey monday
mylittledecoy116: english, por favor
pointegirl71894: i dont know the friday night boys, but i like hey monday
mylittledecoy116: oh, you can check out their myspace
pointegirl71894: fnb?
mylittledecoy116: yep
mylittledecoy116: i don't need to know this second, but i'd like to know soon so we can set up a ride situation
pointegirl71894: ok
mylittledecoy116: hopefully your mom will let you go without taylor, because she won't want to go
pointegirl71894: yeah
mylittledecoy116: alright, moving on. lost or the office? you choose our next topic. it's like a game show.
pointegirl71894: um
pointegirl71894: the office
mylittledecoy116: ok shoot
mylittledecoy116: that means say things
mylittledecoy116: um, so i guess you really hated it...
pointegirl71894: no i liked it
pointegirl71894: so pam's eggo is preggo
mylittledecoy116: yep
pointegirl71894: and holly is moving in w/ boyfriend
mylittledecoy116: yep
pointegirl71894: el fin?
mylittledecoy116: what is those words?
pointegirl71894: the end?
pointegirl71894: anything else plot relevant?
mylittledecoy116: well, my favorite part of the episode was probably when jim and dwight hugged. i love when they are friends.
pointegirl71894: yeah, that was adorable
mylittledecoy116: okay, i also LOVED michael's talking head about how he and holly are one of those couples with a long story, but it's okay, because he's not in a rush
pointegirl71894: huh
pointegirl71894: katc is gonna be at warped tour =]
pointegirl71894: i must go
mylittledecoy116: why, are you like in love with them?
pointegirl71894: also, where is allentown?
mylittledecoy116: to ofar
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: well
mylittledecoy116: yay, let's for real go to warped tour
pointegirl71894: hey monday will be at warped tour tambien, verdad?
mylittledecoy116: no clue
pointegirl71894: oh
mylittledecoy116: i don't think so
pointegirl71894: WHATT?
pointegirl71894: FTSK?
mylittledecoy116: that's why we have to go see them on june 30th
pointegirl71894: oh
mylittledecoy116: so we should to warped and hey monday/fnb
mylittledecoy116: so, didn't you really like that talking head, though? wasn't it awesdorable?
pointegirl71894: yeash
mylittledecoy116: mmkay... so yeah, it was a pretty good episode.
mylittledecoy116: okay. LOST.
pointegirl71894: indeed
pointegirl71894: LOSTTT
pointegirl71894: LOST!
mylittledecoy116: what do the other t's stand for/>
mylittledecoy116: losing our spare time ... together today ?
pointegirl71894: NO, TOTALLY TERRIFFIC
pointegirl71894: duh
mylittledecoy116: oh. but losing our spare time totally terrific makes 0 sense
pointegirl71894: oh lost your so fine
your so fine you blown my mind
mylittledecoy116: OMG LOL
pointegirl71894: whoa
mylittledecoy116: must go in info now
mylittledecoy116: whoa what?
pointegirl71894: was it really that funny?
mylittledecoy116: yes!!!!!!!!
pointegirl71894: ok then
mylittledecoy116: see, it's in my info and everythimg
pointegirl71894: will you finx the spelling/grammar?
mylittledecoy116: yeqah
pointegirl71894: gracias
mylittledecoy116: better?
pointegirl71894: si
mylittledecoy116: YAY
mylittledecoy116: YAY I AM IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD? WHY, YOU ASK?
pointegirl71894: yes i do ask
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: thats fne
pointegirl71894: fine
mylittledecoy116: i was talking to my friend elizabeth and she was like "that is so funny that his name is Miles, because if they're learning about miles in science he can be like 'whoa, we're learning about ME?' and like, what if your name was Centimeters?" and she laughed so hard she cried. she cried tears.
pointegirl71894: well, that is totally creepy
mylittledecoy116: i guess she was just so jazzed.
mylittledecoy116: okay, you know what i LOVED? L-O-V-E-D?
pointegirl71894: do tell
mylittledecoy116: that at the end, it said LOST black on white instead of white on black.
pointegirl71894: I KNOW
pointegirl71894: and we saw JACOB!!!
pointegirl71894: JACOB!
pointegirl71894: and i was like
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: em
pointegirl71894: gee
pointegirl71894: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggggggggg
mylittledecoy116: you know CAPCHA?
pointegirl71894: you mean the letters/numbers you have to put like when you post stuff on the interweb sometimes
mylittledecoy116: yeah. well mine right now says DalCanton and I thought it said Darlton and nearly died of excitement.
pointegirl71894: wait, capcha for what?
mylittledecoy116: LJ
pointegirl71894: oh
mylittledecoy116: so i really liked Miles in this episode of Lost.
pointegirl71894: cool
mylittledecoy116: especially when he was all "dad!" and then saved pierre chang
pointegirl71894: aww yeah that was cute
mylittledecoy116: i love stuff that is cute. speaking of which, did you click on the kitty link i sent you?
pointegirl71894: yes
pointegirl71894: and my computer like broke
mylittledecoy116: aw
mylittledecoy116: but i hated sawyer in this episode.
pointegirl71894: a littke
pointegirl71894: i have to go to hot topic
pointegirl71894: i need jelly bracelets
pointegirl71894: also, final riot/hey monday album/against the wall. so thatll cost like money.
pointegirl71894: which i am suprisingly short on
pointegirl71894: ill have to go next weekend after i get paid
mylittledecoy116: what is against the wall?
pointegirl71894: katc ep
pointegirl71894: wow, abbrivations much?
mylittledecoy116: oh, now he is pulling the "random new obsession" act on us?
mylittledecoy116: who*
pointegirl71894: what?
pointegirl71894: kelsay and the chaos ep
pointegirl71894: katc ep
mylittledecoy116: i know what you meant
mylittledecoy116: i said oh, now who is pulling a random new obsession?
mylittledecoy116: it is not me, it is you who is pulling it
pointegirl71894: oh i read thast wrong
pointegirl71894: thatss whyy
pointegirl71894: but you do it all the time so i fugured you wouldnt mind
mylittledecoy116: i don't mind. i am ecstatic. like this: um, links arent working
mylittledecoy116: oh sorry.
mylittledecoy116: brb
pointegirl71894: k
mylittledecoy116: well that was nice
pointegirl71894: ?
mylittledecoy116: i heard my brother come down the stairs while i was in the bathroom. he must have seen that i had told you i would be right back, because he did not get on the computer
pointegirl71894: that was nice
mylittledecoy116: i know
mylittledecoy116: another thing that Miles did that i liked was that he was like "glad to see you guys have really thought this through"
mylittledecoy116: um, but i found it a little weird that no one asked what had happened to Daniel.
pointegirl71894: ha
pointegirl71894: yeah, i know
pointegirl71894: theyre just like
pointegirl71894: oh, ok danile isnt here
pointegirl71894: maybe they told them off camera and it wasnt important enough to show
pointegirl71894: ?
mylittledecoy116: gasp. everything concerned Daniel is important enough to show.
mylittledecoy116: okay, i will not lie, i will be very honest here: for a few seconds, i thought that the guy in the box was going to be Daniel Faraday. and i got so excited.
pointegirl71894: ...
pointegirl71894: you missed the face i just made
pointegirl71894: there is no describing it
pointegirl71894: so sorry
mylittledecoy116: but like, are you feeling like i am a loser, or you agree with me, or what?
pointegirl71894: kinda a loser
pointegirl71894: you are
pointegirl71894: me too, but for different reasons
pointegirl71894: such as saying "kinda a loser you are " instead of "you are kinda a loser"
mylittledecoy116: well, it was completely unfair of them to list jeremy davies in the credits and then by all "oh, he's not actually in the episode, we were just trying to get you all excited for no reason"
pointegirl71894: oh?
mylittledecoy116: yo uare not feeling the unfairness?
mylittledecoy116: ?
pointegirl71894: no
mylittledecoy116: gasp. so you are telling me that you did not get pumped?
mylittledecoy116: ?
pointegirl71894: well, not about seeing daiel
pointegirl71894: daniel
mylittledecoy116: omg, and how lame was it that desmond wasn't in the episode?
pointegirl71894: yeah i was a little sad about that
pointegirl71894: bvut i guess hes still recovering from being shot in the groceries
mylittledecoy116: yeah, i guess
mylittledecoy116: i love that expression so much. shot RIGHT IN THE GROCERIES
pointegirl71894: also, i find it a bit odd that nobody is the least bit worried about claire
pointegirl71894: not at all
mylittledecoy116: i'm so excited to see claire next season!
pointegirl71894: me too i like clair
pointegirl71894: i was a teeny bit sad that she wasnt in it this season
pointegirl71894: but still i cant believe nobody on the wole show was worried about her
pointegirl71894: or looking for her during the time skips
pointegirl71894: or anything
pointegirl71894: am i the only one who finds that weird
pointegirl71894: ?
mylittledecoy116: omg, IT WAS SO AWESOME when sun found charlie's ring!
pointegirl71894: omg i know i started crying a little bit
pointegirl71894: cuz incase you dint know charlies ring is my fav prop from the whoooe show
pointegirl71894: whole*
mylittledecoy116: because it was just that awesome. like, that was TWO YEARS AGO. in real time, i mean. it was about 3 in Lost time.
pointegirl71894: mm hmm
mylittledecoy116: oh charlie, please come be on the show on last time before it ends
mylittledecoy116: one*
mylittledecoy116: and daniel, you too please.
mylittledecoy116: because i love those two. so so much.
mylittledecoy116: shoot, what else was i going to say?
pointegirl71894: that you love television more than your life
pointegirl71894: lol
mylittledecoy116: it is not my fault that television is amazing.
mylittledecoy116: but someday, it will be my fault. because i am going to write television for a living. honestly, that is the perfect job for me.
mylittledecoy116: um, please be more interested in this conversation
mylittledecoy116: that is a sad face
mylittledecoy116: please come back
pointegirl71894: IM PLAYNG SIMS
pointegirl71894: dmic
mylittledecoy116: well stop playing sims
pointegirl71894: uh, no
mylittledecoy116: because i have to ask you something
pointegirl71894: do ask now
mylittledecoy116: do you want them to erase everything? do you want them to land in lax? do you want them to never meet each other, meaning everyone is still alive...? or do you want nothing to change?
mylittledecoy116: you really should now be playing sims while i am trying to conversate with you
mylittledecoy116: that is just mean
pointegirl71894: well, i am acually in the process of contemplating an answer
pointegirl71894: because um,
pointegirl71894: idk
pointegirl71894: i mean, everyone would be alive and not have to suffer throught the island and the others
pointegirl71894: but they wouldnt be living any better
pointegirl71894: and the show woulnt be totally interesting
pointegirl71894: i mean, how would they spenn seson six? living normal lives? how they would be if they had landed?
pointegirl71894: not totally exciting
mylittledecoy116: well we still have to find out more about esau
pointegirl71894: a little interesting, but not amazing
pointegirl71894: true
mylittledecoy116: wait, you know who esau is?
pointegirl71894: the guy talking to jacob at the beginning right?
mylittledecoy116: yeah! how did you know?
pointegirl71894: um, im not THAT dumb
mylittledecoy116: but like, how did yoyu find out?
pointegirl71894: so easu: possibly mocke?
mylittledecoy116: easu is DEFINITELY mocke.
mylittledecoy116: he said he found a loophole.
pointegirl71894: yes
pointegirl71894: ok
pointegirl71894: so weird rught?
mylittledecoy116: yeah, locke is really dead. and has been for a while
pointegirl71894: aw
pointegirl71894: well, le gusta easu
mylittledecoy116: what?
pointegirl71894: i mean me gusta easu
mylittledecoy116: why do you like hgim
pointegirl71894: es mi charactor favrita
pointegirl71894: hes nice
pointegirl71894: kinda creepy though
pointegirl71894: well, he is
mylittledecoy116: he is not nice! he is jacob's enemy. jacob is the good guy!
mylittledecoy116: why would you say he's nice?
pointegirl71894: are you sure?
mylittledecoy116: you need to brush up on your Bible.
pointegirl71894: yes, but...wait huh?
mylittledecoy116: in the Bible, Esau is Jacob's brother who he has a tenuous and sometimes antagonistic relationship. with
pointegirl71894: oh
pointegirl71894: well, this might not be bible related
pointegirl71894: i mean, JUST because they have the same name
pointegirl71894: concidience perhaps?
mylittledecoy116: but we can still tell that esau is bad.
pointegirl71894: how?
mylittledecoy116: i mean, Lost makes a lot of Biblical references, like in 316 Ben was talking about how Thomas refused to believe the Resurrection of Jesus.
pointegirl71894: and with psalm 23
pointegirl71894: =/
mylittledecoy116: yeah, so i mean, esau is bad. he is a bad, bad guy.
pointegirl71894: well
mylittledecoy116: he pretended to be locke
pointegirl71894: he can still be mi character favrita
mylittledecoy116: okay. i don't have a favorite character. but if i had to pick someone that i liked the most right now, it would be miles.
pointegirl71894: eh
mylittledecoy116: what?
pointegirl71894: eh
mylittledecoy116: yeah, i heard you, but what do you mean?
pointegirl71894: miles is not my favrite character
mylittledecoy116: mine either
pointegirl71894: top five maybe,, but im to lazy to rate them all so
mylittledecoy116: most of the characters i don't care for
pointegirl71894: well
mylittledecoy116: i pretty much hate kate, sayid bores me, i dislike sawyer a lot lately, jack is okay but pretty lame, sun hasn't done anything interesting in forever, jin hasn't either, hurley is funny but that's it, and juliet is alright but is now dead. oh, and ben is okay too. and locke. but miles is pretty cool actually.
mylittledecoy116: so i like him the most right now.
pointegirl71894: i dont see why you hate kate so much
mylittledecoy116: but i don't do favorites anymore. i only had two favorite characters. i was in love with them, and i still am. and they both died, so...
pointegirl71894: kate, hurly, sawyer
mylittledecoy116: i hate kate because she can never make up her mind, and because of this she ruins everything.
pointegirl71894: top three no particular order
mylittledecoy116: what about esau?
pointegirl71894: easu
mylittledecoy116: and locke?
pointegirl71894: locke is dead
pointegirl71894: for real
pointegirl71894: he cant be in my fave five uness hes alive
mylittledecoy116: no, it is esau. not easu
pointegirl71894: OMG HA HA LOL
mylittledecoy116: LOL LIKE TMOBILE
pointegirl71894: HAHA TO MY INFO
mylittledecoy116: our phone charges roaming fees to talk to dead people
mylittledecoy116: why did you send me a direct message that said ok?
pointegirl71894: ?
pointegirl71894: when?
pointegirl71894: im gonan go have osme ice cream
pointegirl71894: later
mylittledecoy116: ?
mylittledecoy116: are you lreaving forever?
pointegirl71894: i want ice cream
pointegirl71894: no
mylittledecoy116: oh
pointegirl71894: ill be back
mylittledecoy116: ok
pointegirl71894: with weapons
pointegirl71894: and by weapons i mean a stomach full of ice cream
pointegirl71894: lol later
mylittledecoy116: ice cream will not kill me. i won'y let it
pointegirl71894: ha
pointegirl71894 is away at 10:57:05 PM.