Handwriting Challenge
Day 1 - Hand-write your full name.
Day 2 - Hand-write your livejournal url.
Day 3 - Hand-write your livejournal headline.
Day 4 - Hand-write your favorite quote.
Day 5 - Hand-write your best friend's name.
Day 6 - Hand-write your crush's name.
Day 7 - Hand-write your three favorite songs of all time.
Day 8 - Hand-write whatever you
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XD That'd be awesome, but if the baby feels it's alone won't it cry?
And yeah but mostly it was annoying cos we'd have to stop what we were doing just so they could go talk about what we did during the day even though they could have talked about it when they got there like my mom asks me to call if I have time and such mostly I called when they did but I finished my convo fairly quickly like
"Did you eat?"
"Yeah, we went here it was good."
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah its fun, I'll tell you about it later."
"Are you going to sleep right after this?"
"No, probably not we were thinking of watching a movie and then going to bed but I don't know we might, how are you?"
"Good, -talks about what happened if it was important-"
"That's good, then I'll call you again tomorrow?"
"Okay have a good night take care be careful."
"Yes, I will, I know, bye good night."
That was the extent of our conversations, no lie, almost word for word XD, but they spent like 45 minutes talking to each other and I was like "What do I do...this is awkward...." that whole time...mhmm I like moved to the point furthest from them to have my convo so they wouldn't be uncomfortable but yeah.
My convos are shorter. I'm not the kind of person who talks about my day unless I'm pissed... yeah, I'm quite negative. Or unless I'm really lonely, then I'll talk. I hate when my dad asks redundant questions, or they're redundant to me, but I went off to college so when I go home, I answer them without getting too annoyed since I don't talk much here.
I dunno. It might just stare at us like wtf. Maybe we can race Francisco's hamster versus a dog, as if it matters XD Hahaha, I know it's bad but I kinda wanna do weird tests with the hamster ball, like, what would the hamster do in the hamster ball if it's all dark? What if it's all dark but one beam of light at something, would it go to the something that's lit up?
Mhm, yeah, I don't talk much so when I'm away I feel like I'm somewhat obligated to talk to them more since they can't physically see that I'm fine, it gives my mother peace of mind so I'll do it.
LMAO yes! Hey maybe the dog will be distracted and the hamster wins..oh but what if the dog suddenly attacks the hamster? I mean yeah....that won't be pretty. Yes! I've always wanted to do that too! or what if you hold out food in front of the hamster ball, will the hamster go towards the food or will it be like "that's outside I can't get it"
But if it attacks the hamster, the hamster'll be in a plastic ball. Huh. Maybe we should do a masaki.com about hamsters, if that's our only animal. I know where squirrels are, but they won't be our friend unless we have food. OH, but that's what masaki.com is about, huh.
Ah thats true...but still it'll be scary for the hamster. XD we should totally do Masaki.com things that'd be so much fun
Lmfao, thinking of things for Phillip, and all I remember is how he always falls off the walls, so I was like, "maybe a net... nah, that's not as fun... a TRAMPOLINE."
But I'm curious to see if it'll move in the dark. We should go to the park and make a toy for the squirrels. But we prolly won't have time though.
mhmm hamsters are nocturnal so maybe it'll think it's night time and it'll move about?
mhmm we can try though we might be able to squeeze it in...
Huh... so, does it like light?
Eh, we can always find things to do, regardless. There's a golf course behind my house too, if that does anything XD I have a pogo stick, and a skateboard, and tennis rackets, and hockey sticks, and skim boards, and there's a volleyball net, and a playground, and there's a big hill... yeah.
They're mostly asleep during the day so I'm assuming not? We could always wikipedia XD
Yep lol XD cool Justin is in engineering too so I'm sure you two can totally build awesome things together XD
But yeah, first we should stick to weird experiments no one ever thought of. Like... would the security guard at the mall stop you if you try to do the A no Arashi thing and take a family portrait in the photo booth? XD
We can get dry ice easily too. But liquid nitrogen, wonder where that comes from. Aiba-chan was going through SUPER nostalia in the AnS with Kokubun Taichi XD
XD Yes! That'd be super fun! XD We shuold dress up like a family like one of us as a grandma or something XD
I know right! Man that episode was awesome~
Should stop thinking of things to do and just write down somewhere what we're gunna do cause it's getting big and we don't have that much time. Hmm, what else to talk about though?
And we should just make a giant list so we always have something to do~ It will make us look productive unless we end up not doing all of it XD
Ok, so, let's put it in order of "we must do this!"
1. Captain Sho Boat
2. Mirror Man cosplay & experiments
3. Dilatancy
4. Cooking experiments (A or O no Arashi)
5. Spinning on a chair (it's simplistic [shrugs])
6. PV/dance (if we have 5 of us; this would be higher on the list... if there were 5 of us)
7. Karaoke (just cause it's fun)
8. Family photo booth
Well, after 3, I don't really know the order, but the top 3 I wanna do. And I wanna go karaoke. I can show you Chinatown and the small Japanese market that sometimes has magazines too.
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