Today was EVENTFUL XD, mostly, we went shopping TBF and I, TBF btw is male, and we got the following:
- A sequined hat for topazera, (see previous post)
- A lego watch
- A CD (Hot Hot Heat if anyone's interested)
- The Shounen Jump Mag that has the GANTZ promo on the back, yes I totally got it just for that XD
- Glasses for TBF that he doesn't even need
- A Bert Shirt
- Hello Kitty Lucky Star Candy
- Kinder Chocolate
- Sonic~
And while that doesn't sound like much we spent from 5 - 10 out and about laughing and being generally awesome! TBF kept whistling along to Love Rainbow which in itself is awesome~! Also I have powers of persuasion against TBF XD While we went to Wal-Mart we found this
We seriously LOL-ed for like 5 minutes at
Ken-san と Barbie-chan
It was pretty epic in our humble opinion
And also at this XD, Oh Legos~