May 09, 2004 15:33
It's my birthday! WHOOOO! DJ woke me up with a wonderful phone call, there was some guy at my door but he didn't have a UPS truck or a uniform or anything so I didn't answer, turns out he WAS making a delivery! =( I have to go pick it up tomorrow at the post office.. I don't know who it would be from though..
I got two shirts, two things of lotion and some perfume from my mom so that was pretty cool. I got to eat filet and crablegs! (well I haven't eaten the crablegs yet.) I love thunderstorms too! =) I got calls from Ethan and Meg Webb too and a lot of 'happy birthdays' online so yay!
I only work two days this week so I think Joe, Joz and I are going to go shopping on Tuesday so I can get some shorts and stuff. I'm excited.
Well, I'm going to go read and see if theres any homework I have to do, hope everyone had a good day! =)
--Madison Marie