Upon entering her bedroom, Madison threw herself onto her plush bed and closed her eyes. The last few weeks had been increasingly hectic, what wih prom, grad, and upcoming registration at NYU. To top it all off, she and Scott still hadn't chosen their new place. In fact, Maddie hadn't seen him (or any of her friends, for that matter) in quite a while.
The girl sighed as she rolled onto her back. She stared blankly at her ceiling, wondering whether or not she should throw a teeny tiny house party tonight. Her parents were at some gala or other, and were planning to spend the night at the Waldorf. Madison grinned. I have the place to myself... what the fuck am I waiting for?
With a newfound surge of energy, she got off her bed and began to frantically dial numbers on her cell. After the important calls were made, Maddie yelled to the maids to prepare the food and booze, then logged onto
People are getting drunkkkk tonight!