Apr 27, 2012 19:10
A while back (4 years ago), my dear friend Madeline and I were on the Funbrain playground (cause our school blocks every website imaginable) and we saw an ad for a website called Poptropica . We both dismissed it at the time as some weird online game we wouldn't be caught dead playing. But maybe a few months later we both discovered we were playing it, and soon we were supplying tips and cheats for eachother (she was the smart one, so she is basically who I mean by "we."). It wasn't long before that game became an OBBSESSION . It was practically all we talked about. I mean, I had at LEAST 20 characters and I memorized all their names (Maroon Turtle, Fast Chicken, Cuddly Popper, to name a few). But then Madeline moved to Belguim and over my middle school career, I kinda lost interest, Moshi Monsters and pop music taking the place of my beloved Poptropica.
But the day before yesterday, I saw a picture of the Mali king, MANSA MUSA . I remembered it from one of my favorite islands, Time Tangled, and gasped, receiving a weird look from Will Smith to my left. I was quickly inspired to resume playing.
So here I am. I finished two islands on one character yesterday (because I remember all my characters) and am determind to get caught up on the new ones (I have either 16 or 20 completed on my most advanced/favorite character, but they added like 20 new ones so obviously I have a lot of work to do).
So, because I'm a total nerd, I came up with a list of my top 5 favorite islands: (I've played up until Skullduggery, so these are all before that)
5. 24 Carrot. I don't know, maybe it's the crawling around in the vent system or avoiding rabbit minions, because for some reason I have a real taste for this island (kinda-pun intended).
4. Time Tangled. Traveling through time, finding lost items for famous people.....it's just <3
3. Nabooti. I just love the places and the sneaking around and... I don't know. It's just one of my favorites.
2. Spy. Reminds me of some serious gaming times in 6th grade. And who doesn't like spying? (I've realized at leat 3 of the islands I've listed involve sneaking around)
And my favorite island?
1. Mythology. Ancient Greece makes me think of spring, and I love Greek mythology, and the island is just so much fun. (I've said that for every one, though, haven't I.)
So there you have it folks. Yeah, yeah, Madison's a total nerd, I get it.