
Jul 10, 2010 17:29

Came across a box today, it had several leather-bound notebooks jammed in there, each of them with a city on them. There were 8 and I instantly recognized them as the diaries from the four years I lived in Europe. The eight cities were: London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Cairo and Istanbul. I lived in each for six months and I think my favourite was Amsterdam because I met Olivia there and it was just like a movie, my groceries fell off my bike and she helped me then we had breakfast at a restaurant called PANCAKES! No kidding.  Here is the entry from that day if you are interested, might share some more later.

Woke up today to alarm, fuck I hate that thing. But it woke me up and reminded me it was grocery day, so I valiantly got dressed because I couldn't stay in bed, it was a really nice day which has been rare lately. Grabbed my helmet and my bike and took about five hours to attach the back basket even though it's meant to be easy. Realized I had left my wallet in the house, ran back, started riding, realized I forgot the key to the bike chain and decided fuck it, I'll just tie the chain in a menacing way. Got to the grocery store and picked up milk, vegetables, juice concentrate, bread etc then went back outside to find my helmet missing but my bike still there. Saw a woman with red hair going to her own bike, thought nothing but 'dyke, she's a dyke, i'd so tap that'. Put chain, milk and juice in backpack then shoved bread in back basket and tried to make room for my vegetables, the poor tomatoes were going to be very bruised when they got home.

Riding, riding, smoother than I had in a while than SHIT what was that? a fucking rock, that's what. milk fell out of my backpack and EXPLODED on footpath, my tomatoes ran onto the road, juice concentrate covered mudguards in a fine orange dust, bread very squashed but easily salvaged. i was trying to clean it up thinking 'fuckkk that was half a week's pay' when this girl stopped, got off her bike and began to help me, looked up it was that woman who was obviously a lesbian and whom i would tap, turns out i actually knew her, we had a mutual friend who introduced us ages ago.  she invited me to breakfast at this place called PANCAKES! turns out she was a dyke, spent the whole day with her and had the most amazing fucking make out session i've had in a while. Her name's olivia, got her number. good night.

I remember the next night I got lucky. Go me. Olivia still hates it when I bring it up :D 
As you can see, my grammar and punctuation was absolutely shite.

europe, lesbian, amsterdam

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