Some things never change....

Feb 18, 2007 17:39

I've started doing a Diploma of Business Management. Work is paying for it, and it's competency based, so I don't have to do the whole going to uni classes businesss (which is good,because I don't learn in a Uni environment).

I'm enjoying the studying - but am discovering that the assignments are driving me insane.

Now, many of you have read my fics, and some of you are regular readers of my BellaOnline embroidery site, so you know I'm a fairly ready writer.

Except for these bloody assignments.

I still have 2 questions of my first one to do, and the second one, well, I'm getting panic attacks just reading it through. I had the same problem at school. Test me verbally, and I'll come through with flying colours, no problems at all. Get me to put it in writing, and it all goes to pieces.

Added to this is the fact that for the past 6 years or so, I've been writing for the 'net, so my style is fairly concise. But then, if I can say it in 10 words, why use more?

I've been told to "read more into the question" - which leaves me going "huh??"

What makes it all worse is that everybody at work is telling me I'll breeze through the course no problems - I may do that, but the bloody assignments will kill me. I hate it when I get to the point I'm crying becuase I can't do something, and that's where I'm at now.

Added to this, is the stress that the Office isn't meeting budget, and we're under pressure to turn it around, I also have a proceedures manual for our database to write, and get a canddiate care newsletter off the ground.

And I can't defer the course, because it's been paid for and is attracting a government subsidy. I do have 2 years to complete it, but I'd rather spread it over those 2 years, rather than defer for 6 months, and then STILL have the same problems to get it done. Oh - did I mention that there are 10 modules to do?

It's completely frustrated all of my writing - to the point that I can't even write fic at all, and am also finding it hard to write the other things I need to (Bella articles, procedures manual, newsletter, etc). I've mentioned at work my dilemma, but without much luck. Everybody just keeps saying hang in there.

I hate failing at something that I know I can do - but I'm not sure what to do about this.
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