Just call me Cinderella

Nov 07, 2006 09:43

Ever had those times that you're left sitting there while everybody around you is out partying?

My life is sort of like that at the moment.

Personally - my choice. But what is ticking me off is that I'm constantly being left out of events and functions at work. Take today for example - Melbourne Cup day.

Yesterday, we got an e-mail from one of the directors on what and where everybody will be. I am the only one who is not attending a function. The guys at the Sydney office are all going out to Lunch. The two consultants in Brisbane are going to separate events (one of them under protest!), but nothing for me.

Same thing happened last month when it was organised to take some clients out to dinner. Everybody in Brisbane went, as well as one of the Directors, except me. Wasn't even asked if I would like to attend. Interestingly enough, I've heard that a number of the clients were asking where I was, so I feel a little better.

Problem is - I love my job and I love the company I work for. Everything's just so focussed on the junior consultant who is not really working, and trying to solve his problem that they're forgetting that the team is a team - and that I do just as much consulting as the others, as well as all their admin work.

Ok - whinge over.

On the lovelife front, things are going very well. My boy and I have reached the 6 month milestone with only some minor disagreements, but these have been talked out. I suppose it's one good thing about an online relationship - you HAVE to talk about things. But we are happy - and constantly finding out more things that we have in common.

I need to get back into my writing - I've written a couple of short pieces, but can't move more into my novel or into my novel-length BotP saga. My muse seems to have gone walkabout.

I'm waiting to hear from the Qld government to confirm my place for the Frontline Management diploma I'm doing - once I have that confirmation, I'll know when I start it. I'm quite keen to start.
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