i got my schedual for next year and im kinda pissed! im gunna have to get that shit changed around i think.
per. 1 _ com/adv dig.
per. 2 _ ms office xp
per. 3 _ study hall
per. 4 _ study hall / gym
per. 5 _ math (FUCKmath)
per. 6 _ economics / part in gov.
per. 7 _ lunch
per. 8 _ study hall
per. 9 _ english
yeah, im gunna have to get off either 1st period or 9th so i can get senior privalege :) then im not really feelin 2 computer classes a row 1st and 2nd period. lunch 7th period is kinda rough. i will get this shit all figureeed out :)
peachy peach :)
nice little view goin on at the bridge
its combos kitty, rusty. aww i love this cat its sooo cute. im not gunna see it for a while though cause combo is gunna be at college in the city, but thats definitely the best cat ever
wanna see the biggest piece of shit truck? well you cant really tell but it is. thats shane hes fucken, high. or somethin.
ooo heavy b the bong glows in the dark ;x
johns new toy. its nice :D
i dont know wtf i want to do today, this is going to be a tough one. peace