
Jul 08, 2004 02:12

And for my walk I recieved; a lovely moon in foggy clouds, a strange postcard of latenight yongestreet (not literal), a new hidden alcove by the intersection, a stray cat's accompanyment for a half block, and a giant banana slug that I almost stepped on.
I dread and look forward to the first time I actually do step on one.

For the uniformed, the banana slug is an import from the west coast, a big jaguar spotted slug, no real predators,  (can you blame them?)
I'm thinking of finding obscure recipies.

Did i mention they're up to 8 inches long?  (more at a full stretch)

Like little squooshy landmines.
goo-mines if you will.

Damn them.  Damn them to hell!   (or back to vancouver, they're screwing with the local micro-ecosystems)
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