Mar 01, 2004 08:53
I have not wrote in heat for a while and now i am,i think. But i will write about the past events.well saterday i did really nothing but then i went bowling and I did very bad one game I got a 11 and it suck. Well after bowling i went over my friend Chris's house and spun the night and we just played video games all night and stuff. Then in the morning we had to wake up early for chruch and i only got like 3 hours of sleep so when i went to church i was really tierd and stuff. So at church and we prayed for like a long time it was cool though. I started praying for other kids too like JH kids. Yeah it was pretty cool and after that it was my brother and sisters b-day party and they were turning 5 and they are twins so thats kind of cool. Durring the party i did nothing. Well then my other sister and her friends went in the filed across the from my house and me and Chris we follwing them so then i got an idea and so we went thourh the Ramona Bowl and we went though it because there is a Dirt Road that leads to the field so we took it and we saw my sister so we dove behind a big tire. Then they started walking towrds us(we were tyring not to be seen the hole time).then my sister and if friends saw us so we started walking back to my house. but then we stop at these jumps at the field and then we went back by my sister and we hid and then they started to walk down the road the we came from first the short cut. and so we hid behind some loggs and they walked right passed us and one of my sisters friends walk right by Chris and like praclely walk on him so then we follwed them all the way home while throwing rocks at them and thy did not see us the hole time.