Apr 22, 2011 12:19
I had an interesting interlude with my mother the other day. My brother's girlfriend emailed my mother a picture. Featured in this picture is a baby belonging to one of my brother's oldest friends.
My mother beckoned me to come look at the picture. "Oh! Elizabeth has sent a picture of Bridgette! Come look!" I probably shouldn't have said, "Why?" In hindsight that was a bit gruff, but I was in the other room doing something, and while I'm sure Bridgette is great as far as babies go, and I really like my brother's friend, Bridgette is just a strange baby to me. It's not like she belongs to my brother (in that case I'd feign interest). I'm pretty disinterested in children until they're old enough to form coherent sentences and exit the egocentric phase of development. Even then, unless the kid is old enough to have a serious conversation about video games, I really have nothing to discuss with them.
"But it's your brother's friend's baby! Doesn't she look just like her father?"
This is where I really should have reigned myself in.
"All babies look alike until they reach certain developmental stages," I say.
Kaboom! I know babies and children are awesome for those that want them, but I really dislike pretending amongst close friends and family that my uterus is quivering in anticipation of BABY! It's annoying to pretend that all babies make me want to bust a heartstring. My mother hopes I'll eventually mature. What the eff is that supposed to mean?
I'm not against people having kids. If that's what you like, then great! Go for it!