May 30, 2009 09:45
Dear You,
There is a time in your life when you feel like you've reached the pits of hell, and all you want to do is climb your way back up. Do you climb alone, or do you take a friend with you? No. Sometimes it's best to fend for yourself without the help of others. The glory is there. When you've finally picked yourself up, the feeling of triumph reigns victorious in the bottom of your heart, and it glows ever so brightly.
You owe yourself a great many things, and in time you will receive this. Always in time.
For now it is best to make do with the little luxuries you have. Slowly it builds up to the finer pleasures you once thought that you deserve. Then is the time that you decide whether or not this is the life that you've always wanted. Maybe in time, all of this takes its twists and turns, until it warps into something you didn't expect. A turn of events, a spark of imagination, a throng of possibilities.
Delicacy. You must approach this with utmost delicacy. But then again, it really doesn't matter anymore. You just want to jump in again, and pull yourself back up. That's what makes it all the more interesting, all the more worth the trouble.
What are you waiting for?
One, two, three
Bits and pieces of me
Four, five, six
All the things that you would mix
Seven, eight, nine
All for the day that those were mine
Ten, eleven, twelve
All kept neatly in their shelves.