Dec 21, 2004 02:14
watched this movie "control room" tonight. it's a documentary about media coverage of the iraq war, focusing on al jazeera. really interesting. still absorbing it. what was really fascinating was the real cultural divide that seemed to come up - this one dude was saying how the arab world "sticks together," basically - how no arab wants to see another arab city being bombed, even if they hate saddam. obviously this is one dude's opinion. and then he went on to talk about how ashamed he was to see the pictures of fellow arabs tearing down and destroying baghdad, and looting and stuff. it reminded me of cultural psych stuff and the asian thing about "losing face." it sort of put a new spin on looking at that whole thing... like it's not a matter of religious fervor so much as cultural pride? it just made me think.
dan is online again - springfield bores the hell out of him so he is online again...the things that drive people to AIM. so he is showing me this new thing called the, which is kind of like a combo between facebook and hot or not. i'm not joining even if it is the new hip thing... i'm kind of terrified of being publically told i am really ugly. blah! dan of course is ranked a 93%. anyway... so my low self esteem finally gets in the way of my love of the internet.