Have you ever have one of those days where your mind is completely not there? I managed to get that state in my head where it's in some kind of endless stupid loop. You could ask me how many apples in a dozen or how many bits in a byte and I might not be able to answer you straight
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Some people look for coding monkeys. I am not a coding monkey. I am smart and i can come up with very clever solutions to problems, but i cant hpyto-coat algorithms to make then sensomatic. I cant come up with the most optomized solutions and it takes me longer to do arithmitic then lots of 'coding monkeys'.
Maybe they werent looking for a frosty. Frosty has many skills and unfortuneately there probably is already one 'frosty' at that place. They needed someone else.
I know it doesnt help, but its good you didnt get the job if they were looking for someone else. How fun would it be if you were a straight porn star and got hired to do a gay porn film. Work would suck.
Just keep waiting untill someone needs a frosty. You have a job so stick it when it seems right. Ive got a job lead im looking at right now cause it looks like a 'david' job position.
Dont focus in too narrow though also. Yeah, city of villans will be cool, but theres also a lot of other cool stuff. Jim is working on quake man, but quake wasnt even his bag. There are a lot of big companies out there working on top notch stuff.
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