The Facility - Part 10 - First Light

Feb 17, 2011 03:58

Title: The Facility Series - Part 10 - First Light
Archive: Just ask
Author: Fox - madfoxzz
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, I just like to fiddle with them. I don’t claim to speak through any official channels for either show, or the production company, and there is no profit being made.
Pairing: Helen Magnus/OFC (Sierra Mawer) - Myka/HG Wells
Fandom: Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary crossover
Rating: This portion is PG but parts are MA - NC-17.
Spoilers: Takes place after Warehouse 13 S2 and Sanctuary S2
A/N: This is it! Hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you to Nadezehdast, stargate_sg1sg1 and others who suggested I try a crossover, this is fun! And thank you Deversum for the line related to sacks of blunt nail driving devices. Thank you Fitful_Fire for the betaing and All y'all for reading!
A/N2: Sorry to leave you all so long without an ending. RL, you know. Here are the links to previous chapters:

The Facility Series - Part 1 - M&M

The Facility Series - Part 2 - Exploring New Landscape

The Facility Series - Part 3 - Fire and Ice & Part 4 - Small Steps

The Facility Series - Part 5 & Part 6

The Facility Series - Part 7 - Enough is Enough

The Facility Series - Part 8 - Well Met

The Facility Series - Part 9 - Secrets and Truths, Blood and Bone

And now: Part 10 - First Light

Later that week Sierra found H.G. in her lab. Looking up, H.G. sat back in her chair, smiled and said, “So…Are we ready?”

“Yep. Ready to go.”

“It is a shame Myka and Helen can’t be here.” H.G. lamented as she stood and walked down the hall with Sierra.

“Yeah, I’m working on the helicopter clearance.” Sierra sighed, “Until then…”

The two women made their way down the hall and up the stairs to the outside door. The guards looked at Sierra curiously but said nothing. The door guards had not received orders to prevent Mawer from leaving for at least 30 years, and these two were far to young to have gotten the whole story. H.G. paused and looked at Sierra.

“Fffuck,” Sierra muttered as she prepared herself, then she nodded, “Yes, alright.”

HG tapped the door and it responded immediately. Sliding away it left a simple space beyond which was open air.

Sierra blinked, “After so long… I feel as if this should be a bigger challenge.”

H.G. raised an eyebrow; “It was actually quite difficult for Helen and I. Would you feel better if I built you a snake pit to cross?” She took a pair of sunglasses from her shirt pocket and handed them to Sierra, then walked through and waited in the sunlight on the other side looking like the cat that ate the canary.

As Sierra passed the threshold H.G. relaxed. Looking up at the sky she began explaining, “You’ll likely notice a subtle shift as you begin to sense new people...” She paused as she heard a thump behind her. Looking around, then down, she saw that Sierra had fallen to her knees and was holding her head.

“Subtle as a bag of hammers,” Sierra grouched from between her fingers.

H.G. rolled her eyes and bent to take Sierra’s arm, pulling her back to her feet. “You really are a fragile flower at times.”

Sierra had no snappy answer for that comment, it was true. Thanks to H.G. she had been called to deal with all manner of new experiences in the last year. After being cloistered in her own little sphere for so long, Sierra had been recently required to come to terms with the fact that she did have some weaknesses to sort out after all. She had no complaints though, looking back it was probable that H.G. had come into her life at just the right time to keep her from going crazy… Or becoming a World of Warcraft junkie.

“So this thing is going to work then.” Sierra said hesitantly.

“And we’ll have our Recon and Removal team,” H.G. added. Mawer watched H.G.’s self-satisfied smirk bob up and down in her vision for a second, then, dizzy, she looked down at the gravel as she tried to adjust to the new sensations in her mind.

Sierra centered herself then looked back at H.G. and grinned, “Yes. Your plan might just work. One more step though.”

H.G. took a breath to speak, but then just let it back out again slowly, saying simply, “Kosan.”

“Yes, Kosan.”


“Request denied, you will stay here, you cannot break your contract or you will become a prisoner of the facility.”

Angry but refusing to show it, Mawer watched him cross the room toward the door as if the discussion was over. She narrowed her eyes and glared at his back, it was so easy for him to dictate and make decisions affecting other people’s lives. She reminded herself that he wasn’t the worst boss she’d ever had, and that he usually trusted her judgment, but she also knew that he was afraid of her, Helen and H.G. She had felt that fear growing in him ever since H.G. had been granted limited release and Mawer’s closeness with Helen had made it worse. They were three powerful women whom he could not ever hope to control. It challenged is comfortable worldview and it showed. Men would take orders from greater men without question for millennia, but expect greater women to toil and bow in the shadows. Now it is our time to take the reins, Sierra thought, and his fear of that concept rolled off him like flop sweat.

“Actually ‘sir’,” She made sure to accentuate the honorific. He paused with his hand on the door handle, “My contract expired 8 years ago.” He turned to face her, his mouth opened and closed but no sound came out. “I signed for 100 years. No one, including myself, expected I’d live any longer than that, but as it stands, you are simply my employer. You can choose to keep me on under my terms, which I suggest you do, attempt to imprison me, or fire me. I am no longer obligated nor inclined to stay locked up down here.”

His eyes turned to obsidian, hers to cold steel. They stared each other down until Mawer broke the silence, “May I remind you I now have powerful connections of my own? I suggest you let go of your own fears and prejudices and consider what is in the best interest for this organization.”

She felt his fear turn to anger as he strode forward, she was a few inches taller, but he was close to being enraged and Mawer didn’t like it. She didn’t trust his motives, she never had. After he initially reinstated H.G. as a Warehouse 13 Agent last year against her recommendation and rebuilt the obstacle course however, she knew he had another, darker agenda. He opened his mouth again, but Mrs. Frederic’s clipped voice from the doorway cut him off, “Mr. Kosan.”

She raised her eyes from the man in front of her and saw Mrs. Frederic and several Regents enter her office, she could sense more outside. She knew her office had cameras in it, but since the subject had never come up she had assumed they were not monitored. She quickly scanned her memory for anything embarrassing she may have done in the last 20 years and was relieved to come up blank.

Once the 25 people had clustered into the office Mrs. Frederic spoke, “Dr. Mawer has done us a great service over the years. This team proposal she and H.G. have submitted could relieve a great deal of strain on this facility. Doing evaluations in the field will reduce the number of residents and eliminate the need to bring many of them here at all. The Sanctuary can handle those who are not a danger. There will be changes in how this facility is run and you will change with it or be asked to leave.”

Mrs. Frederic stepped up next to Kosan and stared him down until he looked away, then continued. “Dr. Mawer has never shown a lapse in judgment, nor has she ever unduly risked the life or well being of another. That’s more than I can say for any of the rest of us here. She is also the most qualified person for the position she holds here, and, I must say, working for over 100 years without a sick day or vacation is unprecedented.” Mrs. Frederic placed a hand on Kosan’s shoulder. He bristled, but stepped back.

“Dr. Mawer,” She continued, “given new developments the Regents would like to extend you an offer of employment on more traditional terms. You will have the same responsibilities but we’re now offering you vacation time and off site privileges.”

Mawer sagged a fraction in relief. “Thank you, that’s all I was asking for.”

Mrs. Frederic extended a hand and Mawer took it. Part of her was having difficulty believing the reality of the situation until she felt the warmth of the other woman’s hand against her palm. Sierra looked around the room into all their faces, “Thank you all,” she said.

Wordlessly the group left the office. Sierra shook her head wondering what sort of artifact they used to form the weird symbiosis the group seemed to exhibit.

Mrs. Frederic turned just short of the threshold and said, “One more thing. Since you have been out of contract for the last 8 years we have decided to grant you the vacation time you would have accrued retroactively. Just do not use it all at once.” A smile tugged at the woman’s lips, and then she was gone.

Mawer sat down at her desk and put her feet up, she knew exactly where she was going first.


“I’m not so sure this is such a great idea…” Sierra said to Helen uncertainly, scrabbling for purchase on the handrail of the helicopter door.

“Exactly what could happen to you that you would be afraid of?” Helen said into the microphone attached to the headset over her ears.

Sierra heard her, she was also wearing a headset even though she didn’t need the hearing protection, but didn’t answer. She watched the ground recede beyond the strut below and checked to make sure they hadn’t left her stomach down there as well. She mumbled something unintelligible.

“Excuse me?” H.G. broke off smiling at Myka to enquire.

“I said ‘I began to breath, and to reflect again that all men would be brave if only they could leave their stomachs at home’,” Sierra said more clearly.

Myka and H.G. frowned but Helen smiled, “Edward R. Morrow. Said during his ride along during a bombing mission over Germany I believe.”

“Yes, and to answer your question, the worst thing that could happen to me is losing all of people I care about at once. So you’d better really know how to fly this thing.”

Helen grinned, “Yes dear, I do know well how to fly this ‘thing’.”

“I don’t know,” Sierra returned, “If the stories about you and helicopters are true…”

“We needn’t bring that up,” Helen sniffed, “Besides, those crashes were rarely my fault.”

“Rarely?” Myka questioned, beginning to look concerned. H.G. took her hand and held it softly, reassuring her partner with her eyes.

Jen just smirked and watched the landscape out the window, losing herself in her own thoughts.


Hearing that Helen, Myka and H.G. were nearly to the Sanctuary Claudia and Pete had chosen to wait in the courtyard until their arrival.


“Myka!” Claudia exclaimed jumping into Myka’s arms for a bear hug.

When they parted Claudia turned to H.G. and punched her hard in the arm.

“Ouch! Excuse me?” H.G. rubbed the spot, which was already turning red.

Claudia fixed her with a hard glare, “You know what that’s for.”

H.G. searched the sky for strength, “I suppose I must continue to take my lumps for that.”

Accepting this as an apology Claudia did a spin. “Can you believe this place?”

Myka smiled down at her as Pete walked up. She gave him a side hug and a hip bump, “It’s pretty cool isn’t it?”

“It’s pretty DAMN amazing!” Pete emphasized, “Have you seen the weapons? Tell me you’ve seen the weapons…Oh, hey H.G.”

“Peter.” H.G. gave him a knowing look, and then a smile.

“Yes I’ve seen the weapons Pete.” Myka rolled her eyes at him.

“I haven’t seen the weapons yet,” Pete turned to Helen, “Can I see the weapons?”

Helen stifled a grin, “Henry!” She called.

Henry who had been hanging at the periphery with the rest of the Sanctuary staff as the others greeted each other, stepped up, “Yeah Boss?”

“Could you please escort Mr. Lattimer here to the weapons cache and give him a tour?”

“Sure can do,” Henry responded, then to Pete who was bouncing on the balls of his feet, “Dude calm down!”

Pete sobered, and cleared his throat, “Yeah. No. I’m cool. I just, we just get these little bug zappers.” He pulled out his Tesla and showed it to Henry then continued, “You know they’re effective, but they lack a certain awe factor…” His voice trailed off as they entered the doors to the main building.

“Where’s Artie?” Myka asked turning to Claudia.

Claudia glanced at H.G. and squirmed, “Oh you know,” she said, “He’s just kinda working through his process.” Her gaze fell on Jen who had simply been observing the group greeting looking a little uncomfortable.

Claudia stuck out her hand, “Claudia.”

Jen smiled and shook the proffered hand, “Jen.”

“So you’re on the team then right? You can do cool stuff?”

“You could say that,” Jen put a hand on Sierra’s back and gave her a small shove, “And this is Dr. Mawer who made it possible.”

Sierra, who had been deliberately standing out of the way, stifled a scowl and shook Claudia’s hand.

“Just call me Sierra,” Mawer said as she looked down at Claudia who had to tip her head further back than she expected to look Mawer in the eye.

“Sierra,” Claudia repeated, “Thank you for bringing H.G. back from the brink. It was horrible seeing Myka so sad.”

“I’m glad it worked out well for all involved,” Sierra said and cracked a smile. It was hard not to when looking down at the little hacker. Even without Sierra’s ability Claudia’s enthusiasm would be infectious.

Helen motioned Kate and Big Guy over to wrap up introductions.

“Kate,” Helen’s voice penetrated Kate’s consciousness, “I believe you are staring.” Helen raised an eyebrow at her young compatriot.

Kate tore her eyes away from Mawer’s biceps and looked up sheepishly. Sierra looked down at her saying gently, “You’d have muscles too if you grew up farming before tractors.”

Kate nodded and shook herself out of it, “Yeah I guess. Here let me take your stuff….” Sierra handed over her duffel.

“Ah MY rooms if you please Kate.” Helen instructed. Kate paused and looked up at Mawer putting two and two together.

“Gotcha,” Kate said slowly, and added to Mawer, “So you’re the one responsible for the changes around here.”

Mawer’s lips twisted and there was a light in her eyes, “Change is the only constant.” She said wryly and left it at that.

Sierra reached down and tangled her fingers in Helens as Kate walked away, then pulled the hand in hers up for a kiss staring deep into Helen’s eyes

Without looking away Helen called out to Kate, “On second thought, I think we can bring Sierra’s bags to my rooms ourselves.” She turned her head slightly so Kate couldn’t see the wicked smile she gave Sierra. Mawer bent and kissed Helen deeply under the colors of a stained glass window reflecting the sunset. Helen tuned toward the building, tugging Sierra with her. They passed Kate and the taller woman gave her a friendly smile and took back her duffel. As the doors closed behind them all, Mawer knew she had finally found home.

sanctuary, nsfw, dr. sierra mawer, nc-17, h.g. wells, fanfic, femslash, hg wells, warehouse 13, dr helen magnus, ofc

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