I've put my first "real" iOS application up on Github. It's a rather simple
app to show information on New Hampshire's municipalities and show them on a map. With different data, it could list lots of different kinds of geographic information. It's an XCode project, not a downloadable app, but there may be one or two people reading this who know what to do with those. If you don't know what XCode is or know you don't have it, just ignore this.
So far I've run it only on the simulator on the Mac, since I haven't put down the money yet to be a registered Apple developer. I'll probably do that soon. It runs reasonably well on the iPhone simulator in portrait mode; on the iPad simulator it runs in an iPhone-sized window. There's still lots of work to do on it, but if anyone feels adventurous enough to play with it, have fun. No warranty and all that, but I don't think it can do any damage.