This evening I decided to start playing with one of the computers
hms42 sold me. I figured I might get as far tonight as making it boot if I was lucky. As it turned out, my monitor cable matched the plug, saving me the time I thought I'd take just to get all the pieces together. So I plugged in a keyboard and an Ethernet cable and turned it on to see what would happen. Windows came up. Good start.
Then I rebooted and hit F2 so I could boot from CD. I picked the Ubuntu CD. It came up on the screen and invited me to try it out or install it. I opted to go right away for the installation. The disk is a little 20 gigabyte one, so I had it blow Windows away rather than dual-boot. It started installing and I gave it the configuration information. It figured out how to get to the Internet without my telling it anything (with DHCP it's not that hard) and it's currently downloading lots of stuff to get up to date.
Looks good so far. Fingers crossed.
I've named the machine "vulcan" and will name any additional Linux machines I add after fictional planets.
Update 1: I've downloaded Apache Web Server and I'm trying to install it. At the moment I'm stuck trying to build pcre; the make says 'libtool: unrecognized option "DHAVE_CONFIG_H".' Knocking off for the night.