Dec 11, 2009 00:54
Dear Readers,
I do apolgize for the great length of time since last I wrote. You see, This is where my bit of ramblings comes in at. A non related topic of grandure, I am completely and utterly exshusted from the events of this week. This week has been a week of nothing but compleate and utter hell fire. I have completed and successfully exicuted four presentation in four different locations, prepared dishes for pot lucks, purchesd sweets for two presentations, created Christmas cards, Thank You Notes, and managed addtional tasks beyond that. I have been through what seems like pure hell in the regards to presentations. WHY SO MANY AT THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!!. Damned Presentation Goddess - testing my patiences and trying to make me work well with others. Oh well they are over one more to go and I know I have this one down pact. Such is life I guess and learning to work well with others might not be such a bad idea after all. It brings me out of my comfort zone and allows me to meet other earthlings that are simliar to me. ( yes I said earthlings. I sometimes feel like an alien in my own world. Socialization although quite easy sometimes feels quite alien to me)
Now that I have rambled into a oblivian of inchoearent rages of nothing but complaints of my crazy life of activites shall we proceed onward to what you have come back to read with great loyality. Up coming events in my life such as my six month anniversey with my lovely partner. I give her much praise for being with me. I honor her for that because I know it can't be easy on her end. I am excited to celebrate this grandure of exclmaition of love for her.
A note from the great readings of life that I have been eliciting myself to read. These readings of life of fat women just like me has stirred so many relevent emotions that it is hard to caputre them in a single writting - so dear readers you my find random notations of how I am dealing with the reading in which I am covering for the education of myself. In the emotions that I have gathered are inspiration, sadness, grief, and understanding. I have realized that I need to love myself more. I dont do that enough. I still have more moments of self loathing than self loving. I still need to work on that acceptance thing. Althought I am getting closer to it I am still not there. I am saddened because I am leaving all the things I once knew to be true about weight behind and realizing that those things are unreal. I am find inspiration in the things that I am reading, learning and accepting. Why do I tell you this Dear Readers? So that you know that I too am human and I too shall fall. Somedays are labeled with huge letters FAIL! because I hate what I see but those days are getting further apart and that I too strugle with simliar things as you do. I am not the all knowing Fat Goddess that I may let on to be... All tough I am a beautiful Goddess in the eyes of my mind for the majority of the time but that does not mean that I am always perfect I do faulter sometimes... so...
With that in mind I must come to the close of yet another week,with harch understandings and realities that only make me stronger and hope that you may gather some strength from this random rage of all things fat and queer. So untill next time ( suspseful music) tune in for more ramblings of a Mad Fat Woman on ...
The Diaries of a Mad Fat Woman...
Untill next time Dear Readers...