Pipe Dreams and Fat Vag Balls in its glory

Dec 31, 2012 00:26

Dearest Readers
I have had many things going on my head lately. I have been considering my pipe dream of buying a local buissniess frount and renovating it to this awesome crafting community store... where people can come in work on projects take classes sell their work etc.... a place that promotes families and children and women all in the same foul sweep. I want it to be relaxed and welcoming and creative...wood floors coffee shop vibe, collective yet creative. Just a great fun vibe....

yet this is something that keeps me dreaming.

Fat Vag Mondays being brought back. Not sure if it ever really exsisited. but in the event that it did i need to recreate this. Im still figuring this phrase out. Fat Vag Balls.. what does it mean.... It means you that are vag owners have some major vagballs because it is okay to have balls if ur a dick owner but not if ur a vag owner... so vag balls it is. so own the phrase own ur power that they give you.... but vag balls monday may even need to cover vag ball bleeding week. bitch fest, aunt flows vacay, menstrations, womanstration, bitch week ragging be it what u wish to call it.... i say we clebrate the process of our bodies and lavish the fact we are oh so awesome enough to with stand the challenge of loosing parts of ourselves every month.

Less not forget the journey of our vag in child birth but my favoritie topic.... Sex with our delcious vag. For those who are vag fans know that this is the most amazing thing when a vag truely climaxs. Vag is so amazing in its versitility in the bed room in procreation, be it your method of choice, masterbation, admeration or what be it that vag is wonderful for. Vag should be celerbrated be you straight or other wise. own that part of you and own it proudly.

We need to cleberate it daily but more importantly celebrate it togehter everyday if not then every week. Maybe we should create a vag day of the week and on that week every week we come out and celebrate our vags be it our birth vag our new founded vag our metephoric vag, or brother vag etc... we celebrate our vags... we talk about out vags, do what we do best be owners of our vags. Vag is vag and if men can talk cock we can blab vag.... Yeah vag is messy and gross i admit i dont always like mine but a majority of the time it is an amazing piece of work. I know you gay men out there are like do what the fuck .... Yes I know heres your epiepen for your anaphlactic shock to the subject matter. We all know how you gay men are allergic to pussy.... just like this dyke is allergic to cock.... we are even...I appreciate your penius value but that doesnt mean I like it.... You can appreicate somethings value and still not like it... like opera or fine wine or food... something of value doesnt have to be liked....

So allergies to vag aside all hail the vag that brings us to this earth that gives us a sense of pleasure and pain and makes us womyn of a clan. we have to band together to make this beautiful sisterhood something of meaning. So Declare you vag weekly meeting, be it a girls night where you get together eat pie or you text about your vag hairs getting caught in ur thong...

Now that we have our reserected vagina and its glory over with.... I shall wish to speak further more on the topic of rambles....

The follwing may or may not be ramblings. Just random thoughts that I have as I write this blog. I am going all of the place to figure out what I want to do about my pipe dream store front. If I open a store is that throwing away my education in Child and Family Services and is it really full filling my dreams as a feminist acitivist in the gay community in rural america.... I am not sure if its that or is it something that can be fun and a learning experience. Do I need to start this store somewhere where it can be a queer feminist store.... I have random names id like to call it and its all fun and enjoyable. I want to stay here in the community I was raised but i also know how concervative the area is.... I wanna teach classes on how to make stuff and how to do stuff. I want to inspire creativity and community and commereice in my area. I also want to do a seasonal brazzar at home.... kind of like a yard sale but for craftieers....

I have been finding myself day dreaming of awesome things I want to do with m life but I have often thought how is this something that relates back to me and my goals for my life. If I fullfill these dreams am I really doing something meaningfull with my life. I have been wondering what kind of meaningful work I have been doing with my life and It feels like my meaningful work is minumal and I need to challenge myself more. I just wonder if I am stuck in this life as a person with out purpose. I have all these great ideas and intentions but only half way do them... this says alot about me.... I know I wonder how much I have really done or can I really measure this....

Just lots of questions I will save for another riviing entry for diearies of a mad fat woman

Untill next time dearest readers....
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