Notes from the housemate.

Aug 29, 2006 08:01

This came via the astropath, er email, this morning. Those among you too weak to resist temptation... or just those of you who don't want to hear Galen talking about people's groins should not read on.

[Transcribed by Telenomicom 9907651 Beta "The Emperors' will is Eternal"]

To Lord Inquisitor Willhelm,

As ordered I have left my post at the Imperial Palace on Terra Australis to pursue the heretic "Soph". As per your suspicions this temptress, this Daemonette of Desire has been cavorting with the forces of Chaos!
Her crimes started in the ancient and holy city of 'Sydney' where she slithered her way past security checks and sanctioned Psycher patrols to obtain entry on a low orbit civilian craft destined for a northern island, the name of which I do not possess!!!


Have now made way to this Harlots destination but only the foul stench of her nude photography remains, the depth of her corruption is staggering! After extensive interrogation up to three professional photographers broke down into tears describing the beautiful locations she defiled with her cursed curves and perfectly formed daemon mounds! One location after another, all the natural beauty had been raped bare by her unstoppable thirst for sensation! Men in the street ritualistically castrate themselves so as to avoid her gaze believing that without their prized organs they may be safe! but her lust knows no bounds and they have all been reduced to fleshless pelvic bones as what was left of their manhood was ground into the pavement! RHYTHMICALLY


Have discovered her next location and this is truly important as I believe she will join with her master there. The city's name has been stricken from Imperial records due to the unusually high level of Daemonic activity and the name itself has been known to cause ill effects in the weak minded but I shall utter it to you for your advanced Psychic training will protect you from its effects.... "Los Angeles"

Forgive me my lord!

Your Ob't Serv.

Inq. Harm

Thought for the day: "His wrath falls from the Heavens"
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