Apr 30, 2006 00:42
so yeah i dont keep good tabs on this stuff uumm.... greek week was fun but very tireing and i have had this and that to do witht the sorority like senior dinner and basically a senior good bye i got my classes for next semester they are...into to human sexuality with a hot guy how amazing is that lol, step arobics cause i cant get my ass to the gym otherwise, marriage/family studies, a library class i need for my major and fanisty and science finction class. o for those who dont know i think im going in to family studies??? and maybe minoring in school health cause that is what the advisor told me to do but not sure if there are jobs out there for those kind of teachers. if anyone cares i going back to high schoo lol for my student teaching so yeah youll see me there for a week straight. Its final week coming up but i only have one exam cause yeah i had 4 this past week kinda scared about my grades there all in the C range now but if they stay that way i will have a really really bad GPA and i needed to raise it o well cant do anything about it now uuumm i actually am going to my sorority formal meeting tomorrow first one i will actually kknow what is going on well im going now talk to you later! ~ Jenny